I decided to change my nutes from Veg to bloom. (Without any real sign of pre-flowers). I did that prior to heading out to the office this morning.
I prepped a new 1 Gallon of distilled water with 3/4 of 1 tsp / Flowering/Bloom Nutes. I just returned from the office and found the following. :>

(That's from one of the Northern light Auto's)
It's been common for many growers who take a shot at these new Nirvana auto's to have to wait longer then anticipated for them to flower. I've not known when to change from Veg to Bloom and If changing earlier in the growth cycle is actually better for these Nirvana Autos. I'll watch them over the next few days as I expect substantial growth. (If I had changed to my Bloom/Flowering Nutes, would the flowering process have started sooner?.... Have I diminished the potential harvest by improperly feeding it?)
I think this may be another means to "fix" the "Problem" many growers are experiencing with these new Nirvana Auto's. (As are the majority of us, I am not impressed with these new strands Nirvana has released)