4 7gal plants per light or 8 3gal plants per 1000w?


Well-Known Member
Nice i ran the kosher and the la chocolate both great with no bananas
You know, i've grown allot of dna/RP's gear. Yeah, there is gonna be some balls, but not like their "limited" experience I got! Lol
I didn't find a decent yielder outta the kosher I started :-( fire ass shit, but all small, very small yielders. I got a decent yielder from a cross of the
Kosher recently from their holygrail :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks do you think 3gal smart pots are too small if I run 8?
Oh yeah!,
So check out the link below. It has a pic of a freebie tangilope by DNA, I ran in my experiment room. I ended up getting close to 5 zips off it. It was one of 9 plants in 3gal smartpots with promix, in a 4X4, under a 1000w:


I'm not into them orange/tangi flavors, but I'm definitely gonna rock this shit outdoors next year, or winter greenhouse.
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