4 32 site xl undercurrent systems in a 20X40 room

Im commercial now i can pretend im good at growing and know what im talking about because "I've been following UC for a while now and i know what im doing" lol
you just asked about the chiller idea less than 4 days ago on the link you posted. how are you such an expert on growing UC you need to ask what chiller to use use less than a week ago?
And the product they are putting out there wont be hard to compete with. Everyone growing the same strains. All the strains everyone hears about. Some actually are a joke. Lol. I know a few people that work at or run dispensaries andeach tells me that they are in need of quality growers. A grower i talked with was saying he gets multiple calls daily from dispensaries wanting to see some product. How many of the 3k growers do you think actually know what they are doing? I know 2 growers personally that have been licensed since november and have yet to pull a harvest. They are both about 30 days from their first one. Growing on a big scale takes more than most people think. Im bet half the 3k people who are licensed wont get a 2nd yearly license. Idk tho only time will tell.

thats funny coming from a guy who is starting up a 32 site dwc system with insufficient space who i quote "I have no dwc experience"
you are really arrogant and full of yourself. ill stay here to watch your design change back to something more reasonable when you find out you aren't making any sense.
I can guarantee you IF CC has sold ANY 32 sites to anyone its has been BAREBONES packages so people can actually grow plants big enough worth being in dwc. . ask them.
Never heard a bad thing about UC from someone who uses it maybe a long time ago they used smaller pipes if I remember correctly but it may have been a different company with similar design but I heard the smaller pipes clogged up. As far as the system fitting it sounds like it will but how big do you want your plants? How long do you want to veg for? Having more plants means less veg time but alot more work if you had half the size system and grew the plants twice as big it might be easier to manage and save you money on startup but you have to take an extra few weeks to grow them. It all comes down to grow style
3 weeks veg in the 8gal systems. My reason for choosing uc is because i feel i can manage 96 plants by myself with no help until harvest. Im not a fan of high plant numbers.
3 weeks veg in the 8gal systems. My reason for choosing uc is because i feel i can manage 96 plants by myself with no help until harvest. Im not a fan of high plant numbers.
That's going to be a ton of work! I wish I had the time to commit to a grow that size unfortunately weed growing is way to risky for me to quit my job an do it all the time
Don't feel like doing the math but if the system fits I don't see why u can't hit 2-3 lbs per 5x5 and per fixture. To break that down it's like 8 ounces in a 2.5x2.5 space which is more than doable so I'm not so sure why this other dude is claiming that's so hard.
Also, you can totally be successful using three of those systems in a warehouse. There's a reason why current culture makes those 32 pot systems. It's because they work. Just because you're going to have three of them instead of one doesn't mean they won't work anymore.

I like your plan on cooling the water, that's exactly what I intended to do, using wort coils. It's nice, all the money you will save on medium also.
I have to agree the roots will grow through that thing thennback around each other will have a hell of a knot and trying to pull it back thru that will.be harder than open pipe
In respect to the roots clogging the pipes in rdwc systems, I've been looking at these. You could attach these to the inside of the bucket portion of the bulkheads and conceivably not have to worry about the roots growing into the pipes.

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tThxthe systems come with a type of screen which i wont use. Ill prun the feeders and keep an eye on them. I honestly dont think 2i2in pvc will get clogged