4 32 site xl undercurrent systems in a 20X40 room

Very glad i didnt rush and up the nutrient strength like so many were suggesting. The ppm flucuations were because the water wasnt moving nowhere near how much it should be moving. It has hardly dropped 6 ppm since 10pm lastnight
I can see many people ending their first try because the listened to everyone suggesting ideas instead of going with the manufactures directions. Anything over about 550 in rdwc is a complete waste. Bet plants dont get bigger with higher ppm. Why use more than nesassary?
I can see many people ending their first try because the listened to everyone suggesting ideas instead of going with the manufactures directions. Anything over about 550 in rdwc is a complete waste. Bet plants dont get bigger with higher ppm. Why use more than nesassary?
Each strain is different as you know. I’m not a pro but generally you keep upping the food until the plant barks back then you know the limit.
That’s a good question. About if a plant grows bigger buds with more food compared to less.ive never tried. Usually I see deficiency’s if I’m too low so I up it until they go away.
What food brand r you using?
I can see many people ending their first try because the listened to everyone suggesting ideas instead of going with the manufactures directions. Anything over about 550 in rdwc is a complete waste. Bet plants dont get bigger with higher ppm. Why use more than nesassary?
Nothing grows to its fullest potential being starved. Manufactures directions are mostly sales pitch....
Nothing grows to its fullest potential being starved. Manufactures directions are mostly sales pitch....
You say starved, but you mean showing nutrient deficiency right? That would pretty much mean the plant is starving. Maybe kind of thin and scraggily lookin? Idk if u can see the couple pix i shared. But do those plants appear starved? Deficient? Thin or scraggily? Not hardly.
Each strain is different as you know. I’m not a pro but generally you keep upping the food until the plant barks back then you know the limit.
That’s a good question. About if a plant grows bigger buds with more food compared to less.ive never tried. Usually I see deficiency’s if I’m too low so I up it until they go away.
What food brand r you using?
Do people really use nutrient other than cultured solutions in this system? I use it. You said see deficiencys so u up the ppm. I see none. I see some issues with to high ppm on one strain. It happened in like week 2. Roots took on a lil darker shade than white for a bit until they came out of it. Believe me the first sign of nute defiency i will for sure up the ppm. Until i do i dont see any reason to. Ill cruise at 1/2 strength like cch2o recommends when using hyper aeration. At 5 weeks in the system comin in at 5-7 " on day one i got plants that are 5 ft tall from the top of bucket. Growing on avg 1' per week seems decent to me. I see no reason pushing to the first signs of burn. That will stunt a plant quick.
You say starved, but you mean showing nutrient deficiency right? That would pretty much mean the plant is starving. Maybe kind of thin and scraggily lookin? Idk if u can see the couple pix i shared. But do those plants appear starved? Deficient? Thin or scraggily? Not hardly.
Your plants look fine. What Im saying is dont take current cultures recommendations as gospel. If you want to remain profitable in this business yield is very important. The wholesale price of weed is only dropping...
Your plants look fine. What Im saying is dont take current cultures recommendations as gospel. If you want to remain profitable in this business yield is very important. The wholesale price of weed is only dropping...
I cut their recommendations in half. I have always cut every nutrient strength in half or more. I did find it in writing from cch2o that should cut in half or more with hyper aerated systems. More o2 in root zone so they use the nutrient super efficient. When the do is in optimum range its going to use less nutes. Its like the extra do takes place of the nutes. There is no extra room in the plant for more stuff so when u have a lot of do it charges the nutrient. This is just my opinion. I just know its working decently enough i dont want to do anything drastic and throw it off in the wrong direction. Its a pride thing. I have talked a lot of shit about being able to sucessfully run the uc my first try. I feel i have done the research and know the answers to any and every risk that can arise. Number 1 answer is take all preventative measures that are avalibal. Every one. Sterile rez, consistant 65-68f water, do not over feed your plants, keep your eyes on your roots,I learned that first hand. I saw an issue figured out what is happening and did the only thing that i could and started pulling them bitches back thru. Pain in my ass but with 31 it took couple hours. Now i know i need to pay more attn to the roots. Plenty Air movment, scrub the air in the room, have plenty of ac, use cch2o nutrient. I mean its designed spacifically for the system. Diy no thanks. Only the water manifolds for chiller did i design and fabricate myself. I could see diy systems having a lot more issues possible. Honestly i dont see me ever needing to use more than half strength on feed chart. I would be so embarrassed if i didnt get a legit harvest off my first run. Or if i killed it. So i will ask a few questions here but i already have the answers im just bouncing them off riu because its fun and i try to keep open to listening to other ideas on most things. If there is an easier way to do what im doing im all for changing it up.

Anyway, lol. Long winded post. Im to lazy to re read back thru. So if some dont make sense my apologies in advance. Lol

Cultered solutions is current cultures brand of nutes, expensive bottled nutes like everyone elses. Hyper aeration is another pitch, water can only hold so much DO at a given temp.
not very expensive and definatly best and cleanest clearest line with the least amount of parts to the line of any other stuff. I totally agree that nutes are nutes but they designed these for this system. This Hell im using miricle grow and coco cal in a 4x8 of small clones in soil perlite mix just to see what it produces because it will produce. They cost357 for 15 gal uc roots,90 for 5 gal coco cal,5 gal veg a and b 101 each, bud boost mid and early 180 each for 5 gal, 15 gal of bloom a and b 290 each late boost71 for 7.5#. That is not bad. I mean that little cost isnt even relevant when you're attempting to do what im doing.
Cultered solutions is current cultures brand of nutes, expensive bottled nutes like everyone elses. Hyper aeration is another pitch, water can only hold so much DO at a given temp.
Hold only so much at a time yes but it is constantly being depleated so a good supply on a constant level is the only way to keep it optimum.
not very expensive and definatly best and cleanest clearest line with the least amount of parts to the line of any other stuff. I totally agree that nutes are nutes but they designed these for this system. This Hell im using miricle grow and coco cal in a 4x8 of small clones in soil perlite mix just to see what it produces because it will produce. They cost357 for 15 gal uc roots,90 for 5 gal coco cal,5 gal veg a and b 101 each, bud boost mid and early 180 each for 5 gal, 15 gal of bloom a and b 290 each late boost71 for 7.5#. That is not bad. I mean that little cost isnt even relevant when you're attempting to do what im doing.
I used canna aqua for the longest time, and I was hesitant to switch because I was so familiar with that brand but the amount of cash I was spending was getting ridiculous. I eventually switch to RAW dry nutes and cut my nute costs in half with equal results...

The only reason I went with RAW is because it was readily available at my nearest grow shop.
I used canna aqua for the longest time, and I was hesitant to switch because I was so familiar with that brand but the amount of cash I was spending was getting ridiculous. I eventually switch to RAW dry nutes and cut my nute costs in half with equal results...

The only reason I went with RAW is because it was readily available at my nearest grow shop.
Different in rdwc. I would hate to have any nutes that stained roots. For real every brown root i saw pix of that looked was said to be stained and not rot was weak asf and stunted looking. I bought enough nutes to run 3 32 site systems for about a year for the total being like 1700 and i might need more coco cal. Half is 850 definatly worth 850 for cleaner non sediment nutes. And since i go half strength i just made the extra 850 back. In all actuality i would spend 1700 for yr supply of nutes and you spend 850 on 6 month supply. I may be a little off on my nutes lasting a year i cant remember if i got a yr supply or if i got enough to get thru 1 harvest with 3 systems. The jugs are still full mostly. The 1 32 site im running now is eating about 200 ml bloom a&b 100 ml coco cal and 100 of mid boostevery 2-3 days. Thats how long a 50 gal top off is lasting. Before i make another.
I did one in veg. Because i panicked because had to switch to ph up on the doser. I never rinsed the system out out of the box so i did like 98%. Then when flipped to flower. Also the other day when the numbers were acting strange i drained 3/4 then found out why my numbers were all over. Roots slowing the flow it was dosing my system and then going into ineffective control lockout. It really didnt make sense. Cleared the pipes and bam looking stabe as fuck ppm slow creeping down ph it dosed 5 times today. Stayin at 5.9
One thing i wont deny. I love growing marijuana, it is so much fun. I take pride in it. Im sharing it here to floss a little and my wife wont let me share on facebook. I really appreciate all the feedback. It just makes it that much more fun.
Im curious tho. A couple people on here told me i would fail on the 32 site system. I just want to ask anyone who cares to guess.. Jan 5 2020 will be 63 days flower. How many people think i will not make it thru flower? Tbh i think i will be really close to 2# per light with one module empty and the 4 stunted slh. Cant wait to find out.
One thing i wont deny. I love growing marijuana, it is so much fun. I take pride in it. Im sharing it here to floss a little and my wife wont let me share on facebook. I really appreciate all the feedback. It just makes it that much more fun.
Im curious tho. A couple people on here told me i would fail on the 32 site system. I just want to ask anyone who cares to guess.. Jan 5 2020 will be 63 days flower. How many people think i will not make it thru flower? Tbh i think i will be really close to 2# per light with one module empty and the 4 stunted slh. Cant wait to find out.

I wish you the best man! Only good things. I’ll be following along.