4 1/2 month stunted outdoor


So I had acquired this girl from a friend and it was in the ground for about 4 months (since early April). When he moved and gave it to me i went to water it and was pushing some dirt around and found that he had planted it in the small pot it had been in since it was a seedling in the ground! I immediately pulled the pot from the ground and took it to my house and transplanted it into a larger pot and gave it new soil and water. It was a successful transplant and its been about one week now since i gave it the bigger pot. As a result of the plant being in the ground in a pot she is only about 2' tall. I've inspected all up and down the stalk and there is barely a few tiny red hairs starting to some out. The weather is calling for it to be in the mid to high 30's at night this week but there is a lil wind so i hope it doesn't freeze her. I know its not going to be snowing or frosting over quite yet but she isn't even started to flower yet. I know that plants are aware of the season better than I but I have a friend who also has an outdoor op and his girls have been flowering for 3 weeks now while mine remains veging. Im thinking of purchasing Tiger Bloom and building a box to cover it so its 12/12 to hopefully kick start the process but before i do I wanted to hopefully get some feed back from my favorite forum. :smile: thanks everyone:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So I had acquired this girl from a friend and it was in the ground for about 4 months (since early April). When he moved and gave it to me i went to water it and was pushing some dirt around and found that he had planted it in the small pot it had been in since it was a seedling in the ground! I immediately pulled the pot from the ground and took it to my house and transplanted it into a larger pot and gave it new soil and water. It was a successful transplant and its been about one week now since i gave it the bigger pot. As a result of the plant being in the ground in a pot she is only about 2' tall. I've inspected all up and down the stalk and there is barely a few tiny red hairs starting to some out. The weather is calling for it to be in the mid to high 30's at night this week but there is a lil wind so i hope it doesn't freeze her. I know its not going to be snowing or frosting over quite yet but she isn't even started to flower yet. I know that plants are aware of the season better than I but I have a friend who also has an outdoor op and his girls have been flowering for 3 weeks now while mine remains veging. Im thinking of purchasing Tiger Bloom and building a box to cover it so its 12/12 to hopefully kick start the process but before i do I wanted to hopefully get some feed back from my favorite forum. :smile: thanks everyone:bigjoint:

It's not the nutrients. It's got to be getting artificial light from somewhere. Building it a box is probably the best thing you can do for it. Might also need to keep it warm somehow if your night time temps are already @ 30 degrees. This plant should've been well on it's way through flowering. Get it into the dark at night!


Its going to be getting cold where i am soon so i need some advice on what to do with my girl. She took a long ass time to start flowering and now winter is just around the corner. Fuck! i just checked the weather site and it says the low in my area is going to be from 19/29 F next week. So now what? My girl is a secret so its not like i can just bring her inside at night. Another question is should i crop off the lower really small branches. Im thinking i don't want lil shitty popcorn nugs that just sap part of the nutrients for the topside bigger shoots of my girl. Please give me something guys!



Well-Known Member
bump bump...I hope somebody can chime in and help. You might want to post a new thread about it in the ouotdoor section. Something with a top like "Need some cold weather help" or "Help with night time temps". That should attract the right people and that's what you need right now. This post isn't likely to be seen by the people with the answer to your questions.

I don't grow outdoors and I don't deal with cold nights here like that so I don't have any experience with it. She looks pretty, hopefully there are some things you can do to keep her safe. That cold doesn't just about everything start dying except the trees?