3x 23w CFL , Flood and drain. Organic Grow.


This is my CFL box I put together for a mate,
Basically its a small box with 4 sockets currently only using 3 with 23w CFL 6500k.
Germinated seeds in coco-coir and transplanted to the setup 19 days ago, the plant in total is 29 days old.
The seedling was germinated in the rockwool in the box.
I have used no grow nutrients at all so far, I have just been using PH adjusted water and a weak way under diluted mixture of 100% Organic Seaweed Liquid fertiliser.
The setup is a basic flood and drain setup, Flooding every 3hours for 15minutes.
Running 18 hours of light.
Oh and I topped the plant about a week ago to.


Just a another couple of pictures I took today...
Still going good considering this is my first attempt at hydroponics and using only organics...
Threw in a picture of the box from the outside to...

wow thats sweeet.. you only used 3 23w CFL though?? damn! she looks great


Yeap only 3 lights have been in there at all..
Like I said though I do have another socket in there for one more light but seeing as its going well atm im happy I will wait till flowering to use the extra socket. ;-)