3weeks into flower

stink hole

Active Member
i dont know what is going on here i have 6 plants in the flower room oldest has been in there for 3 weeks still not sexing???what the hell is going on???shouldnt they shoe sex after about a week and a half? all in out welcome.....
oh yea one more thing i want to flower10 to 15 plants at a time im have a 400w hps will that be good enuff???i also have an extra 400w mh that im not usein should i put that in the flower room????


Well-Known Member
depends on the strain partly. sativa dominants can take quite a while to show, as in several weeks


Active Member
Put a HPS conversion bulb in the other 40o and use it as well, you will want alot of light for that many plants. To be honest you will not get the best results.
You would be better off looking into SOG if you want maximum output from a 400 W

1000 Watt covers 4'x4'
600 Watt covers 3'x3'
400 Watt covers 2'x2'

Cou can cover more, but your plants will sufer. Even a good 600 watter over a 3' x 3' bed will not be as bright as you think.

stink hole

Active Member
Put a HPS conversion bulb in the other 40o and use it as well, you will want alot of light for that many plants. To be honest you will not get the best results.
You would be better off looking into SOG if you want maximum output from a 400 W

1000 Watt covers 4'x4'
600 Watt covers 3'x3'
400 Watt covers 2'x2'

Cou can cover more, but your plants will sufer. Even a good 600 watter over a 3' x 3' bed will not be as bright as you think.
so to 400w bulbs will cover 4x4


Active Member
you could DEFINITELY do 10 plants with two 400s, you'd have the best coverage in that situation.

as far as penetration, you wouldn't want to grow these guys very tall, in fact, with two 400s i wouldn't grow above 2 feet give or take, too much foliage, not enough penetration, less bud.

fifteen plants is pushing it, i'd say 10 is a good number.

forgot to mention: wait out that third week, should show sex by then.
also, i don't know your garden dimensions.


Well-Known Member
My last grow I used 2 400w's to cover a 3x3. You won't be able to cover a 4x4 with them.

I am going to be using a single 600w from now on instead of the two 400's. If you do have two 400's it is better to run one with MH and one with HPS.

stink hole

Active Member
well i can do one 400 mh and one hps.....the flower room is about 3 foot by 5 foot......two 400s should do it.....and i dont plant to grow thw plants to big i would like to get a goos sog system down


Well-Known Member
i also have 4 5 foot flros im not useing should i put them in flower room?
The floro's won't help much. You'd be better to find a place to build a little veg box so you can get your perpetual going. Use the floro's to get that going. Won't need much ventilation or power, should be cheap to put together.

As far as the 2 400's I think you'll have pretty good success with a 3x5. I could've probably covered a 3x5 easily, just couldn't do a 4x4.