3rd year midwest soil grow journal


Active Member
Whats up all my riu friends! This is my third year growing outside in soil and im excited as hell to this season really going. Im planning two grows actually. Both are going to be very different though. The first is near my home and will be 2 plants in 8 gal pots grown in the same place Ive grown the previous 2 summers. The second grow is goin to be a super pain in my ass guirilla grow with 5 plants that are about 6 miles from the nearest trail out in the middle of BFE. Not looking forward to starting the second one so much but it'll be worth it in the end.

The first grow is already underway. I started a seed from the same strain ive grown the past couple years which seems to work great in my area, although last year they werent started till mid may and ended up 12+ ft tall. I started this plant in feb outside and it took a about a month to come up but I transplanted it a few days after and the 32 oz pot was already completely full of roots so im guessing it had been rooting for some time and was just waiting for spring to pop its head out. Its now over halfway through april and the plant is 6 nodes high and looking way more bushy than the last 2 years that I started inside under fleuro's which is why they were so tall and lanky i guess. So we'll call this girl plant one and keep our fingeres crossed she doesnt turn out male cause I got almost a pound of her mom that was started waaay later. The second plant is gonna be started from a few seeds I found in a bag of medi weed shipped in from cali, was told its a diesel strain and it was definitely the hardest buds Ive ever seen. each thumb sized nug weighed about an 1/8th so u know it was some dense shit. I have a few of these seeds so im gonna start them all so i can weed out the males. So that pretty well sums up the grow near my house.

Now for the Guerilla grow, In my state 5 plants and under is a misdeamor so thats as high as im gonna go just incase shit goes bad. Im not all that concerned though, I do a lot of backpacking and with a little help from google earth Ive found a place that is pretty much unreachable unless you know the secret. Its on a looong narrow strip of land between two fingers of a lake that is full of trees that just poke through the surface of the water and is completely unpassable by boat. The only way to get on this long neck between the two fingers is to walk about 3 miles off a very remote backpacking trail and cross a small land bridge thats very hard to find and sometimes under water. Then you have to walk about 3 miles down the point to get to my "plot". Ive made the hike twice now just to check things out and dont even see signs that any animals have made it onto the point. There isnt a single deer track or anything. Im sure there's squirells and shit but Its basically an island most of the year unless there's a drough. A lot of the time u have to wade through a couple feet of water at the beginning of the point. This will be my first guerrilla grow but I dont think Ill have any problems once I get it all going. Getting out there is the bad part. last time I went out there I had about 65lbs of camping gear on my back and made it ok so I figure I'll bury trash bags to help hold the water in and fill them with a mixture of native soil, perlite and peat moss which I should be able to fit in my pack. Its a 6200ci pack so it'll hold a lot, weight is the main problem really. The plants are all gonna be from bag seed but i dont smoke anything but the best, im not wasting my time with beaner bag seed shit.

Grow #1 is gonna be for my personal consumption and the guerrilla shit im planning on selling if it all works out ok so im not really too concerned with the quality because its too far of a hike to give it constant attention anyways. Its just my little end of the year bonus hopefully. If I get a pound total off of all 5 of them ill be super stoked.

Im gonna do my best to keep this updated as often as possible and Im sure Ill have some questions along the way so any pro's out there that see anything im doin wrong dont hesitate to let me know about it. Im fairly confident in my growing abilities but ive ran into all kinds of crazy shit in the past so who knows what this year will hold. Thanks in advance for any help and I hope you guys enjoy my journal!:leaf::peace:


Active Member
Im getting ready to transplant the girl Ive already started at some point today and I'll try to take some picts and give a little more info on the exact details of my home grow (soil type, pot size ect.) after its done. I live in an area that is completely free of hyrdo or grow stores so its hard for me to find all the right stuff but I think I found a home/garden center that carry's some good stuff so we'll see.

Oh and if anyone has any tips on pre-sexing and when I can tell let me know. I was told i had to wait till the nodes start to alternate but then someone else told me that shouldn't matter i just needed to know what to look for so i may need some help there. I hate to put the time and effort into a plant for it to turn out male so the sooner it can be sexed the better. Its 5 nodes high i believe but theyre all still symmetrical as of now.


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waiting for my camera battery to charge but its getting pretty dark outside already. I transplanted my girl to her new 8gal pot. I lined the bottom with large river rock, then a layer of smaller gravel, and then filled it with a combo of "pro-mix ultimate organic grow mix", perlite, blood meal and a few other amendments. Not 100% sure what im going to order as far as ferts go but they shouldnt be needing anything for a while anyways. Also just started germing the other seeds for grow #1(the home grow). Ill probably try to start the guerilla soon, waiting on turkey hunters to gtfo of forest.!!!


Active Member
just ordered some "earth juice" grow ferts. anyone had any experience with this brand, got a good deal so i couldnt pass it up.


Active Member
A man what's up, ur no gonna get many post till u get pics up, cause otherwise its just words and were all pot heads so visual is a big deal,

Ferts, I've never heard of um...

Another opp for u..clone ur fems, order 5gl grow bags plant like 20-50 and u get about qp per plant, they sty small,put umm out around june/july and ur good..good luck man