3rd Week of Flowering blueberry!!!! PICS PICS PICS PICS


Active Member
Hey there guys,

Well my babies are into there 3rd week of flower after 5 weeks of veg.

They seem to be loving there NFT system and nutes, there are buds sprouting from everywhere.

Ive been advised to put striplights under the canopy as there is a lot of bud growth under there?!

Any advice or help would be apprisiated as this is my first grow!!





Active Member
Cheers m8 ive used this place to pretty much sort everything out, i was so suprised how helpfull evyone is!! What are you growing? And in what medium?


Well-Known Member
right now i jus started off growing 5 wonder woman n 2 lemon kush never herd of lemon kush lol but yea got it from a friend lol we see how it turns out..there seedlings still. but im useing 4 coolwhite cfl's for veg. yea i know not that much lol...and for flowering im useig a 400W hps. i got them in supersoil pottinsoil..which i plan to move to foxfarm OF soon, i jus got a lil house fan blowing on them and im doin 24/hours for the cycle right now. oh n im useing Superthrive. no heavey nutrients till later. which imma use miracle grow rocks, and ironite Plus. so far i did this with my last grow n it turnd out good,it was chronic n some stress but hey it got me high lol.. i think imma do wat ur doin to n put some strip lights under for when they do get bigger..any advice?


Well-Known Member
oh yea i water every 3 days was 2 but i switched it up..and i use regular tap water.i jus let it sit for 24hours then mix the superthrive with it..lol i know it sounds wild..n people will probly say BS. but this is goin to be my second grow and with my first i never used no Ph readers no kinda Temp readers. no automatic light timers humidity timers nothin lol..i jus kinda grew and it turnd out pretty decent..BUT for this one i will go out n get alll that stuff lol..cause this is better then Stress lol n chronic..


Active Member
Ok ive got 15 Blueberry/big bud clones that are a heavily sativa strain! i put them straight into a NFT system and they never looked back!!! I have never seen a plant grow so fast and soo strong!!
They have only been alive 8 weeks and there 5ft tall and very bushy! I Have a 120 L tank abd they manage to drink half a tank in 3 days!! iam using Aqua Flakes A + B plus there root stimulator.
I have been using Canna Boost with the other nutes since they went on 12/12 and iam going through 1 L ov boost a WK!!!! Its £65 a Litre!!
Anyway iam alos using 3 600 w HPS 2 on the out edge are air cooled the one in the middle is running on a digital ballast as well!!
I do have a tempo controler unit which i would say is essencial if your serious about what your doing!! (ventilator and extractor go withoit saying!)
My water tank is also on a timer 15min on then 15 off when the lights are on and 15min on evry hour when off!!
I have put 3 5ft long UV strips from homebase upside down on the floor next to the base of them all, so far this has made bud develop from undcerneath the whole canopy which in my case is huge
so happy days!!!!


Well-Known Member
hell yea u got ur shit set up GOOD lol im tryin to get to ur level...hahhah i gotta start from the bottom n go up.. +rep


New Member
freaking nice man.,.i can smell the dankness form here!!which blueverry is it?dj shorts,or dutch passion..either way..are there any hints of blue in the buds...


Well-Known Member
really lookn clean..i like the room...and the girls hehee..anyways..u said page back ur runnin bigbud and blueberry..and u said mostly sativa..well both those strains are indica-sativa crosses..but the indica is the dominant role in their genectics..ur plants look very sativa to me..makes me wonder if those are even blueberrys or bigbud..they look nothing like mine..hmmm either way really healthy grow..

drew k.420

Active Member
i hate to be a bubble burster, but blueberry is an indica strain with short fat leaves,those plants (as beautiful as they may be)are in no way shape or form an indica strain.that stuff is pretty but looks like a 100%sativa strain.grow on man.its pretty.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I was looking and Drew is right these are definatley not a pure blueberry strain and if they have BB in them its not very much as these show heavy heavy sativa traits and do not look anything like any BB strain i have ever come across. they look healthy just not much as far as being BB related