3rd week of flower/ pistil tips turning brown


Active Member
Hello Everyone,

Im an into my 3rd week of flower on my first scrog grow and for the most part things have been going well ( I really like the way a scrog looks when into flower) however over the last couple of days I have noticed that the tips of the pistils are turning brown it seems that over half of the pistils only on the top have this happening and it seems to only be the top 1/3 that is affected. Is this a normal occurence or is something fishy going on.

Thanks for any input.

on a side note a couple of months ago I had problems with some extreme leaf curling,and had some good advice from this site but the only thing that I could find to be the problem (through process of elimination and a seperate set of plants) I moved half of my plants under a different lamp and only those individuals under this bulb exhibited this problem I went back and forth not thinking that this could be the problem but there was no other variable. so very strange I never knew this could be a issue.


Well-Known Member
either it is too hot, the plants are too close to the light, or you have some kind of disease or pest