3rd week into flowering...


Active Member
Wuts up rollitup? Just giving my weekly update and looking for more advice and help.
I have 3 ladies(just found out :mrgreen:) and i also took a few clones from each. But one of them is looking kind of sick, the other two are doing very well. the one thats looking sick has downward curling leaf tips and a few have dried up so I pulled them out. Its still growing
because i check the height daily and its a few inches higher than a few days ago so??? IDK what went wrong? Sunday I watered all 3 with ph balanced water and earthworm castings and bat guanoand the next day on Monday, one was looking sick. But it hasn't gotten any worse so
I'm thinking it could be improving slowly? I need help and any and all is appreciated! Thanks


Mr Farmer

fan leaves that curl down (creating an upside down pocket) is usually a sign of to much humidity (50% or higher I believe). Think of it this way.. if the humidity is low.. the plant will want to catch as much moisture with its fan leaves to compensate for a lack of moisture (in the area of the plant that resides above ground) by creating small cups with its leaves. if the humidity is to high.. it will make little umbrella's to direct the moisture to the soil. :)

Mr Farmer

I was looking at your pics and saw your setup. do you spend alot of daily time with your plants? if your always close by, I would suggest putting your light on its side and rotating your plants every few hours. You will get more light penetration and consistent growth (if done right). I personally run 12 plants that rotate 360 degrees around a central hanging 400w bulb in close proximity and all within a 42 inch tall, 36 inch wide area. if I could figure out how to load pictures I would give you some examples.


Active Member
thanks bro. I have to find a fixture that will hold it sideways, any suggestions?
could i just buy another one like you see in the pics?