Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
nothing needs two weeks flushing man, your losing end weight by cutting their food that early.
Cheers mike, and yeah I always make sure there is run off every time I feed so there won't be a massive build up of salts etc, and I'm using canna nutes with my canna flush at the ready.If you are flushing the excess salts/ nutes during your grow periodically you should have no problem flushing for the last week. If you are growing "organic" then alot of times there is no need to flush like crazy.. There aren't any chemicals in organic additives. Also be sure to cut at the end of their last light cycle before lights come on.. They will have less of the starches and sugars in the main cola's.. Most will be stored in the roots over night. I like to trim in the dark under green lights to keep the girls sleeping. I don't let them see the light of day until they have been hanging for a few days up on the line.
Best of luck
I doubt it, he's worse than IC3 lol he may not even know this site exists, and even if he does, he doesn't know my alias and trying to find me on here for him would be like trying to find a clean syringe in a squat!!looks great skyhigh, you keep watch for that taxer. i bet you he's watching this thread.
I think the switch back from perpeptual along with being robbed has had a lot to do with that mate, ill have no prob making the stuff I pull out last me till next chop.I think ur biggest problem is running out of smoke thats whats driving u. Farm management is a part of farming. It beats smoking street wed by anyones standard. You bought an e fag yet?