3rd Hydro 1st DWC, ScrOG Great White Shark 4 1000w


Active Member
1st DWC, ScrOG with 4 1000w HPS, Hydroton, 4 air pumps, 2 oscillating fans, 1 max fan 1023 cfm, 8 45 gallon tubs, tall boy, Ionic nutrients. Had early problems with Ph everything has calmed there. Recently had problems with spidermites. Bombed with Doktor Doom they came back (little bastards), bombed again with Pbombs twice havent seen them since
(yet). Now at day 10 of 12-12 girls look healthy and bushy despite all the mishaps. Plan on 8 weeks and using Gravity towards the end if any one has opinions on that it would be appreciated. Let me know what you think and if you have any input that would be great.

Posting recent pics!



Well-Known Member
i think your gonna love those GWS bro! ive got a couple at 37 days 12/12, they bulk up nice fat and sticky.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply buddy! I hope so, we are in week 3 and they haven't even begun to stink. I dont know if thats because of the pbombs or what. Besides that they look really healthy and we haven't had any mites since. I will be posting new pics tonight!


Active Member
70 views and no post??? Show me some love people!!! I need some input and opinions on what I got growing here. How much you think will yield on 45 plants with 4 x 1000w? I shooting for 7lbs but I think 5lbs is more realistic. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
lookin good brick! i made some honey oil out of some GWS I quick dried last night and its nice, anyway good lookin grow.


Well-Known Member
really really nice man. i just started two of the gws. look real forward to seeing the progress of your grow.