3rd grow, 30 dutch passion seeds, 3 strains


Well-Known Member
wow i dont know why you would ever get to know someone that crazy in the first place haha but yeah funny thing about those a lot of people think theyre just energy drinks and dont even realize theres alcohol in it... i used to buy shit all the time from places like that where you knew they wouldnt card you... funny thing is when i turned 18 and 21 and all that i rarely ever got carded anyway haha i guess having a beard at 16 helps...

the crystal catcher

Active Member
hey all u guys,

uummmm baking soda ehh? might have to look into that.
once i get meldew i can't get rid, tried a few times with sprays
recommended by grow shop but just seem to temp wash it off,
then i comes back even thicker(due to wet leaves and moisture)
not only that it's harder to treat 28 plants than it is with only a few.

anyway like i said hopefully starting in week 5 it won't affect the bud.

thanx to ya all for ya input..............tcc


Well-Known Member
This old lady I used to hang out with from down the street every day would always be drinkin the black sparks so I tried it...and to make it a long story short, Ive ever since been drinking 1-3 black sparks every fuckin day and I never drink beer anymore or go out tothe bars. I dont know if thats good or bad.
wow u've got quite...............colorful acquaintances nice that u got 2 smoke out tho lol but sometimes it's fun to go out to bars and break bottles over peoples head lol i'm playin, hows ur rooting of the clones comin anyway? i would try 2 check it out but it just took me 30mins to write this i dnt think i can post in both lol


Well-Known Member
My white berry clones in the aero arent showing any signs of rooting after 9 days but yet the ones in oasis had roots in 7 days. Thats the fastest Ive had cuttings root so far. So hopefully those clones will be ready to flower in a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
My white berry clones in the aero arent showing any signs of rooting after 9 days but yet the ones in oasis had roots in 7 days. Thats the fastest Ive had cuttings root so far. So hopefully those clones will be ready to flower in a couple weeks.
wierd, how are u cutting ur clones?


Well-Known Member
Cut hem at a 45 degree, dip in clonex for 30 seconds and into the oasis or daisy cloner. My stems are about an inch and a half into th neoprene root guards.


Well-Known Member
All Im looking for is a solid method that works thats going to give me healthy growing clones every 2 weeks. The roots appearing at 7 days in the oasis has kind of making me want to unplug the aero cloner and start using oasis. I have 3 mothers as well so its not like Im going to run out of cloning stock. I could keep the aero cloner. Or take a bunch of cones every 2 weeks to make sure I get 4 normal ones.

the crystal catcher

Active Member

ok after the mildew crisis and stripping most of infected leaves the ladies look naked

but it's better than mildewed bud for crimbo.

ladies seem to be doing well considering, gave them a dose of vit for da stress along with bloom, boost
and phosphorus plus.

alot of the upper and lower buds are bigger than last grows, think thats due to first time potting on.
so that seems to have made a big difference.

anyway heres my naked ladies still with 2 - 3 more weeks of growing to do.



Well-Known Member
Just ordered some Dutch Passion Blueberry seeds myself. Can't wait till they get here! Yours are looking SICK though, hope mine turn out that well! Nice work.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
What's Up Crystal Catcher!

According to "The Cannabis Grow Bible", by Greg Green 2001, he states that Blueberry must be topped or it will not only grow fast like yours, but it will also NOT yield as much. This info is on page 250, if you get the book. You can access and download it for free if you sign up at Scribd.com, which is also free. There's a few grow guides on there. Nice plants by the way!!!


Well-Known Member
I read your journal from the beginning and I must commend you, truly a nice job, +Rep. The SC looks really nice, I'm eager to try that smoke at some point, you'll have to do a smoke report for us. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. Happy growing

KC :leaf: