3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome


Well-Known Member
The test was run using 250,400 and 600 w lights. Mh and hps. There was no difference with yield until we checked the 600 and the buds were heavier and denser using the hps.
So then with the 1000 watts it would more then likely make a difference wouldn't you think?

I'll switch to hps for flower,
but when would I do that?

Once pre-flowers show?


Well-Known Member
With a 1000 it would likely be worse but as i didn't do that run i guess its speculation.
I would wait until flower formations start, but again i have not done that.


Well-Known Member
It would only make sense that if on 600 watts hps out preformed mh,
then it's fairly safe to say that at 1000 watts it would certainly make an improved product
... Maybe...
Like you said, speculation.

I doubt when working with 1000 watts anything is gonna make much of a difference come to think of it.


Active Member
You can use 1k mh because you have it won't be as optimal as hps but better than nothing. Temperature would be concern in 4x2. Might be able to use cups idk I'm confident 2l will work. What lights do you have in possession and what media do you want to use?


Well-Known Member
I just got an hps given to me, and I have a good amount of negative pressure in the tent,

though it stays about 90.... Everything is thriving and loving it...

But could the high temps affect it more in full flower?

The idk the brand of my current mh bulb, but the hps is an optilume 2000 k temp bulb

this is what I have actually minus the hps bulb

Edit: I use soil by the way, FFOF
And Jungle Juice Nutrients


Active Member
I'm not a stickler on veg heat at all but flowering temp to me is as important as water. I will keep it -75 day and shoot for -65 night. My last two harvests overall quality improved tremendously best ever. Are vents open on tent for intake and any mechanical exhaust, circulation and your on 1000k? Are you stuck on soil.


Well-Known Member
Far from stuck on soil, but as far as the first couple harvests go I'd like to stick with it to keep things simple.
But I like the idea of switching to dwc, or even flood trays, as I have been told it increases yield significantly, and growth speed.

I have a mechanical exhaust, and I have vents as well at the bottom of the tent, But they suck in dust and hair,
I think i'll tie a shirt onto an inflow tube with its arm holes tied into knots as a filter.
I'll post pictures as well.

as for K on the mh i am using now I am not sure, guessing 7-10k... Not sure... The website does not say.

I have circulation in the tent as well in the form of a desk fan, the carbon filter is at the top of my tent to suck out the hot air as well.


Well-Known Member
High temps in bloom can lead to loose airy buds.
I would say 90 is the high end of the scale,
Good find on the hps bulb,
Silk screen or women's tights are great for stopping things getting through vents.


Well-Known Member
I thought of tights as well but none laying around at the moment, aha

and I think I may start running my lights at night so temps are lower and price per kwh is lessened as well.

And that's important information to know,

I certainly don't want airy bud


Well-Known Member
Yeah , i would assume you were running them at night , i didn't realise or i would of mentioned i am sorry umbre, night time temps are on average 10*lower, this will change things for you and of course your tariff will be cheaper at night.
You can set up a business account on your electric and get a better deal, say you breed fish or lizards or you wife runs a sunbed for her and friends ,
It can all help.


Well-Known Member
had I a brain I would have been running them at night anyway,
but I use the heat that they give off in the day so I don't run heaters which is nice.

I like the idea of getting a deal with the electric company as well saying I am running a little coral propagation business. haha


Well-Known Member
I use the heat from my bloom tent and exhaust it into one of my veg rooms to keep it warm at night,opposite in the day . . .


Active Member
Thanks bud check out world of hempy to keep cup dream alive and soil applications are around just not currently my thing. Are you running the mh on full power at 1000 setting should've been my question. I'm trying to come up with a passive vent system to swap heat between areas w/o losing warmth from fan velocity or light intrusion. Dusty hairy buds suck good idea's for filters guys recently a concern. Looking forward to pics like you said to many variables. I like a lot of circulation stagnant hot air yuk.


Well-Known Member
Currently running the light on 1000 watts, it has a 500/750/1000/1100 switch,
But I have read that it shiortens bulb life to run them weaker

And I was looking at some hempy grows last night in party cups...
Pretty interesting stuff, didn't realize roots can live out of water as long as there is not light also. I have my cups in cups, I think I will melt holes on the bottom to allow air flow and allow excess water to drain out so it doesn't just sit on the roots


Well-Known Member


Turns out the 5/5 are females, at least for of them have hairs, the last picture is the one I am worried about, no hairs out of that little nub yet...

Anyway, someone in another thread said I needed a minimum 1 gal for 1ft of height...

My 16 oz is doing fine at 1ft of height....
for now...

That root growth is the difference of just 1 day... day 10 of the bubble cloner and those are the roots on the best one

Comments appreciated bongsmilie


Active Member
Lookin good might be ready to transplant huh. I was thinking lower setting on light for temps are you planning on flowering with 400? What kind of pots are you using are they roots.


Well-Known Member
very ready to transplant,

and I will flower on 1000,

I increased ventilation substantially so temps never go above 80*

I am using 2 gallon smart pots,

but 2 of the large plants are still in cups.
I will likely transplant one and leave the other

I want to compare yields, but if the cup produces substantially less
I will be glad to have transplanted the other.

I have 4 rooted clones in cups as well, going to veg them for 2 weeks
while my other 6 cuttings root, then off to the flower room for them.


Well-Known Member

5/5 females from seed, I am a happy father indeed.
Tuesday will be day 7 of 12/12 I believe.

things are already moving along nicely.

Hopefully a sign of things to come