3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow RIU'ers, like many people on here, I'd like to begin by stating that though this is my first post, I have been lurking on RIU reading threads and learning about marijuana cultivation for a couple years now, and 95% of the grows I see here are very inspirational and have always giving me an itching to get a legitimate grow going.
My current grow in progress.
On the 21st of December I got 2 dispensary clones, an LAC and LSD, decent sizes, both about 8 inches in size, came in party cups.
As of right now one is 22 inches and the other 20, they are both in 5 gal geo pots with ocean forest soil, and I am feeding them jungle juice, which I believe is meant for hydro, but is made for use in soil as well, correct me if I am wrong.
On about the 25th I put 6 germinated seeds in a single square plastic planter maybe 3 inches across. Once they had all sprouted and had grown there first true leaves I transferred them each to there own party cup. I discarded one which had deformed growth and was half the size of the others. Everything is in a 2'x4' tent, under what was a 500 watt mh, the reason I say was is because I was using a digital ballast which allowed me to select between 500/750/1000/1100 watts, I ran it at 500 because I didn't want to increase the bill by too much, but also because I figured the smallish clones and seedlings could make due with 500 watts 3 inches away, and they preformed spectacular in the 3 weeks I had the light at 500 watts, the LAC which is sativa grew about an 1.5" a day due to the fact that it was sativa, the LSD grew abot 3/4" a day. Point I am trying to make is that about a week ago I decided it would be best if I turned the ballast to 1000 as that is what the bulb is rated for, so I didn't want to harm the bulb life anymore then I already had by running it at half strength. So I brought the light up about 9 inches from the plant(cool tube reflector)and set it to 1000 watts. On the 18th I made a 6 site bubble cloner and currently have cuttings bubbling away, one popped out a single root today, I also began light proofing the vessel because I figured better safe then sorry, I have seen it done in clear containers but I figured why not black it out, I am nearly done with that but my lights turned off on me so I will finish tomorrow, the cloner is in a cardboard box with a 43 watt cfl 2 inches away, with a heating pad underneath the cloner. I will be posting pictures tomorrow with any luck. My whole reason for posting all of this is because I am sure I will run into bumps along the way and I figured what better ace could I have up my sleeve then the RIU forum and all of it's many helpful resident's. My ambitions are high for this grow because I will be attempting a sog.:eyesmoke:
Yes I may sound stoned but I believe it can be done with minimal difficulty.

The Plan(Very open to suggestions and critiques)

I have just acquired a 1.5'x2.5' tent And would like to turn this into a mother tent, in which I would put my LAC and LSD clones, which grow plenty fast for taking 3 cuttings off each every 2 weeks under the mh, but I would like to keep the mothers going by a 250 watt cfl feliz, does anyone think they would grow to slowly to take clones from bi weekly?
My hope is to take 6 clones every 2 weeks and get them in my 2x4 every 14 days, meaning by my 8th week of flower I would have 24 plants in the tent, under a single 1000 watt mh, and eventually when the funds come an hps, all in party cups and square milk cartons. removing the bottom 1/3 after the second and third weeks of growth in an attempt to lollipop. My main influence for this attempt at a perpetual is AIB fucts 2 week thread.

Anyone have any suggestions or ideas or criticisms they would like to throw my way, they would be appreciated.

will the height difference in my plants be too much of an issue in my 2x4 to use just a single 1000 watt mh/hps?

Hope to get alot of subs for my attempt at going perpetual for my first put together grow. and as my first posting on RIU I would like to thank Everyone in advanced for being such an accepting and helpful group of people. If everyone else in the world were as nice as people on here we would be much better off as a society today.



Well-Known Member

150 views and no replies?
come on people,
I could use some reassurance that everything I am planning sounds feasible.


Well-Known Member
Good luck man. Keep reading and learning so that if a problem arises you can catch it nice and quick. Don't forget as well that if you aren't 100% legal then you should keep a lid on it and make concealment your biggest concern. Peace. :joint:


Well-Known Member
You will always find pictures get more attention ,
Looks like a decent approach , i would say go easy on the juice and let your plants establish properly before giving them anything , a common mistake ,
I think you added to much info in one statement , ppl are like , wtf , i can't take it all in,
Use a proxy toblock or scramble your ip and make sure geotagging is off on mobile pictures and your good to go...


Well-Known Member
Much appreciated.
I understand the importance of concealment.
Hell even those who are legal should do there best to keep everything on a need to know basis, I heard on the news just yesterday some legal grower got robbed at gone point of a couple pounds, scary shit
but it's nice that growers can report shit like that to news agency's and police and they are just as obligated to help anyone who has been robbed.
I am always reading away, to the dismay of my girlfriend.
thanks for the tips


Well-Known Member
Ha, thanks clonex,
I admit I was a bit over zealous with the first post, tried to cram as much in as I could, not the best idea.
especially when many are too stoned to want to read. aha
But pictures are worth 1000's words. And the geotagging of pictures, I was worried about that at one point as I have a windows phone and it's constantly trying to access my location, I have taken many pictures with my phone, is that a way some people get discovered? And as for using a proxy, is that so that government authorities can't find my location, or so computer wizzes who want to rob me of my green gold cant.


Well-Known Member
Ha, thanks clonex,
I admit I was a bit over zealous with the first post, tried to cram as much in as I could, not the best idea.
especially when many are too stoned to want to read. aha
But pictures are worth 1000's words. And the geotagging of pictures, I was worried about that at one point as I have a windows phone and it's constantly trying to access my location, I have taken many pictures with my phone, is that a way some people get discovered? And as for using a proxy, is that so that government authorities can't find my location, or so computer wizzes who want to rob me of my green gold cant.
Your welcome ,
The first problem is anyone can type , pictures are like gospel on here ,
as long the tagging is off the pictures can come from anywhere on the internet , just remember , and ive seen idiots do this , if you take pictures or video's , it's a good idea not to have packages or envelopes bearing your name and address on them , (lol)
As for the ip block , ppl can pick up your area but that's about it,
riu are pretty good , just be sensible , if you have 300 plants the same , we don't really need to see all of them , if you get my drift,
It's a hobby , no more no less , that way interest in your business will be minimal,
there are so many opinions on this , common sense is key.


Well-Known Member
Yes, common sense is of great importance, and yea, I understand the lack of a need to show off if I had 300 plants. Don't need to draw unneeded attention my way.
I am having a bit of a difficulty uploading pictures anyway. I seem to always get an error. I'll have to get this sorted out.
I have heard the saying before though, pictures or it didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
WP_000909.jpgWP_000910.jpgWP_000912.jpgWP_000917.jpgMore recent pictures, taken maybe all within the week, also shows my bubble cloner made on the 18th, which is when the pics were taken I think.


Well-Known Member
I have a question regarding flowering and cloning.
So I plan on making the 2x4 the flower tent, but I still have yet to get my 250 watt cfl, I have the reflector and tent.
I plan on getting the bulb within the week.
But I'd like to get the flowering show on the road,
Does anyone think it would disrupt the growth of my mothers too much if I switched the lighting in my 2x4 to 12/12 and keep them in it for about a week till I can get my cfl?
It's just that I have the plants from seed that I would like to determine sex on, and a week earlier starting flower a week earlier I will finish. And id like to harvest and fully cure before 4/20
thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
I don't think it will matter so long you don't take to long ,
Your plants look great ,
In the first pictures , why are there multiple seedlings in that little pot ?


Well-Known Member
The reason for multiples in the single pot was I didn't have soil or party cups at the time, so I was forced to use year old soil and put them all in the same container. the soil is old organic miracle grow. aha
And thanks for the response, I was worried it could stunt growth and confuse the plant going from 20/4 to 12/12 then back to 20/4 within a week span


Well-Known Member
So long it is only a week it will be fine, any longer it will start to change and then have to change back thus giving you the impression they are stunted or sick, best getting the bulb sorted really.
Your stuff is healthy though,
With the multiple seedlings in that small pot dont leave to long or getting them apart would be a mare.
Nice clean work though , i will follow ya until the end.


Well-Known Member
It was a bit of a challenge to get them out of the soil only because the roots were so small and fragile, but I managed. The seedlings that were in that square are what are in the party cups now. And I am glad to have you on board for the ride. It always makes it easier to stay on top of things when you don't want to let others down either.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone delt with a 250 watt cfl or one of similar size?
I'm wondering if I will have adequate growth speed? Also, I don't have 2 fans so I am curious as to whether or not I would need anything other then a passive intake/exhaust? I would likely put a clip fan near the bulb so it stays nice and cool, can I get away with just that?


Well-Known Member
You should be ok with those lights only dont forget , fresh air is your plants best friend, its not just for cooling ,
An exhaust with passive intake would do the job.


Well-Known Member
By exhaust with passive intake you are saying that I need an outtake fan right? Just no intake, that is the way my current running tent is. Carbon filter at the top ducted to the cooltube hood ducted to the ceiling of the tent with the fan sitting on top of the tent.