3LBS a month!!!


Well-Known Member
I want to grow 3lbs a month using 1 basement with 2 sections. Veg area 8 x 5 and Budding area 8 x 5.

Just looking for ideas on lights such as 1000 watters or mix of 400 to 600 watters. I only use MH and HPs - not interested in cfls,etc

Also, I want to achieve 3 oz's per plant aprox. 30 plants.

Is this being greedy, out of the question, or is it.. possible!!


Active Member
it is possible but you will not be able to to that with 3 ozs per plant. let me go find the link for you real quick of the best example of perpetual harvest i can find.


Active Member
couldnt find it, but the general idea is you have four different areas in your flower room. once you have enough clones from your mother veg room, lets say 25-30 per quadrant of the room. let them start to flower and then 3-4 weeks after they have been in flower there should be a new group of clones moving from the veg/clone room and they go in the next quadrant, and so on and so forth hopefull you get the idea.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Money! Yea i was planning on starting with clones from a friend. Grow them for about 8-10 weeks then take cuttings from them. Keep 2 original clones, have them as mothers for future cuttings. Thought of finding a strain that can start to finish take around 90-110 days hopefully with good yields. My friend says BC big bud but I dunno. Any suggestions? Also is a 1000 HPs for floweing and a 600MH good enough with proper white plastic surroundings for reflecting?


Active Member
for your flower i would probly rock 2 600s or 2 1000s and then yea all you need for the moms is a 400 mh really and then some fluoros whatever for the clones and you should probly be able to just stick you veggin cutting in with the mothers


Well-Known Member
1lb per 1kw is a pretty good figure to shoot for. If you want 3lbs, 3kw minimum or even four in the final flower room not counting lights for the rest of the spaces. If you're trying to get above that, you need to quickly master more advanced growing techniques like vertical aero, giant trees is coco, rotary growing.

And of course you didn't account for enough space for 3lbs and 3kw flowering room. I think you'll have to use more than just the basement. And more exhaust and more cooling and just more everything.


Active Member
i agree with oregon meds, 3lbs a month is a pretty large operation.i would honestly say ( and this is just a total stab in the dark ) at least $1500-$2000 worth of just lighting and heat exhaust for all those lumens. then you also have to consider the system youre using and all the soil/hyrdro setup shit youre gonna have to buy. if you go through with this post a journal and ill be watching


Well-Known Member
Its possible if you let your plants in the veg stage get big, wait till they're about 3 ft tall then flower and use good nutes, you can do it.


Well-Known Member
why do you need 3lbs a month? why not shoot for 1lb since it sounds like this will be your first grow? not saying you don't know how to grow but things go wrong... tough to get what you want on your first run thru, you have to get your rooms dialed in and then worry about elbows.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
its easy 1st things - 1st you need to look for a good yilding plant not just any old shity thing i.e look at it like this lets say you grow 10 plants, the worst plant yeilds 1oz dry the best yeilds 1.5 oz dry< more about this in a bit.

the method you need to use is called SOG (search it) you grow lots of small cuttings from clone you veg very little 3 - 14 days ? then you flip them in to flower you want to plant out at 1 plant every 6" or 4 per squre foot untill 1/2 your room his full you do the same the other side in 4 weeks time and harvest there after every 4 weeks. the plants should yeild avarage 1oz each now here is where the best yeilding mother out of the 10 plants you grew above comes in to play.

under a 1000w in a room 4x4 (no bigger!) you can fit 64 small clones or in both rooms your total will be 128 clones. work on just 1 room for a sec then just X'2 for toyal every 8 weeks. this is only an example to give you an idea why you need the best yeilding clone you can find.

64 clones at 1oz = 64oz per room
64 clones at 1.5oz = 96oz per room

it does not work like that, but if you pick the best yeilding plant over all you will yeild 1/3rd more than if you picked a shit mother to clone from. under a 1000w lamp 1gpw or 2.2lb is very easy to do if you find a good yeilding plant and grow using SOG even more 9-) now if you use the shit clone then you are looking at around 750g in the example above.

so all in all 2.2lb every 4 weeks = 4.4lb under 2000w of light is very doable if you pick the corect high yeilding clone and SOG the best iv done was 1.25gpw or 750g under 1x600w HPS.


Well-Known Member
its easy 1st things - 1st you need to look for a good yilding plant not just any old shity thing i.e look at it like this lets say you grow 10 plants, the worst plant yeilds 1oz dry the best yeilds 1.5 oz dry< more about this in a bit.

the method you need to use is called SOG (search it) you grow lots of small cuttings from clone you veg very little 3 - 14 days ? then you flip them in to flower you want to plant out at 1 plant every 6" or 4 per squre foot untill 1/2 your room his full you do the same the other side in 4 weeks time and harvest there after every 4 weeks. the plants should yeild avarage 1oz each now here is where the best yeilding mother out of the 10 plants you grew above comes in to play.

under a 1000w in a room 4x4 (no bigger!) you can fit 64 small clones or in both rooms your total will be 128 clones. work on just 1 room for a sec then just X'2 for toyal every 8 weeks. this is only an example to give you an idea why you need the best yeilding clone you can find.

64 clones at 1oz = 64oz per room
64 clones at 1.5oz = 96oz per room

it does not work like that, but if you pick the best yeilding plant over all you will yeild 1/3rd more than if you picked a shit mother to clone from. under a 1000w lamp 1gpw or 2.2lb is very easy to do if you find a good yeilding plant and grow using SOG even more 9-) now if you use the shit clone then you are looking at around 750g in the example above.

so all in all 2.2lb every 4 weeks = 4.4lb under 2000w of light is very doable if you pick the corect high yeilding clone and SOG the best iv done was 1.25gpw or 750g under 1x600w HPS.
Hey guys thanks for all the inout! After going through ppl's journals and seeing what the avg set-up yields I'm assuming 1 - 1.5 ozs is the norm for an experienced grower. also it seems clear ppl are saying aprox 1lb to 1000w which is all I really want to have in the flowering room. Heres a question. Would you say 1 1000 or 2 600's?? There is alot of debate, I've been told a 600 matched a 1000 almost in lumens but saves you large on wasted electricity?? also bu having 2 600's u can spread out the light better??

Secondly I'm not familiar with SOG but will deff. be searching it.

What have you guys had better luck with.. A longer veg with fewer and larger plants as mentioned above ie. 2 1/2 to 3 ft plants which i am guessing would be 6-8 weeks of veg.. OR.. 2 maybe 3 times the amount of clones but veg for as little as 7 days then whip them right into budding.

Personally outdoors I am experienced with topping and tying down for multiple colas and large plants but I\m wanting something fast and well yielding so maybe a ton of little clones that are nothing but single shoot, 1 ft end of term colas??

Thanks guys!!