3k$ an ounce?!?!?!!! DAMN.

i wanna know what factors determine the value, to me it sounded like either da jurno was bein a prick, or just dumb.
lol thanks i says it how i felt it. no matter what state, province or country ya from cops always over exagerate weed price for kudos, they call it a drug bust, 9/10 its just some asswhole wi a big mouth they was able to walk in on.
The inflated numbers is because the cops over-estimate the value of it to make them sound like they're doing SOMETHING.

I can't tell if that article is a joke or not...

"This amount more than quintuples High Times estimate for high-end marijuana in Ohio which is a mere $400."

"but they also managed to discover the worlds most valuable marijuana. They truly do deserve a medal for this amazing feat."

"This new marijuana just barely beats the previous record held in Philadelphia where cops discovered marijuana that was worth over $100 per joint. "

The ONLY time I've ever heard of a $100 dollar joint was when it was a 5 gram joint, and was weed rolled up in hash. I believe FDD2BLK posted that one.
wat ever way they price it, manipulate it, add it up crooked, international war on drugs, and hell fellas we all kickin ass!
Rediculous, knock a zero off there and ill still tell you to go fuck urself and walk away smokin on my high grade that cost me a powerbill.this is why we should all be growing our own.
I cover my buds in sherm, angel dust, cocaine, crack rocks, LSD-25, shroom shake, honey oil, kief, and then I grind up diamonds and sprinkle the dust on it.

Y'all need to step your game up... I got those $1,347 grams yo.
police always make weed seem much more then it really costs to then a gram of weed is 20 bucks when we all know its 10
Is it just me or is this bullshit?


The bud doesn't look THAT good.

The article sounds like it was worded from a kid... "Some Really Premium Weed" lollll
"new breed of super premium cannabis"

OK clearly they are doing those street value numbers where I assume they dont consider the whole sale value of the plant ONLY the street value so if it's 100 lbs @ 4.7 mill then that is how much you can make buy selling the smallest amount possible at te highest street value ya know like a dime of dro would be like 1/4 of a gram LOL because a dime of some lows(reggie) i can get about 3-4 grams per bag ya know.