39 day cashcrop auto


Sometimes it takes longer than expected, and sometimes even though there autos, they still don't flower till you change the light schedule to 12/12. Trust me, it's happened to me already. My advice would be to give her another week or so and see if she starts to flower. If she doesen't, I would suggest changing the light schedule to 12/12 and seeing what happens.


Well-Known Member
You must have never grown auto flowers most don't actually flower until you switch the lights so how is it irrelevant Mr experienced grower
You can switch the lights to 12/12 on autos as well. But they can and will bud eventually even on 24 hours of light


Well-Known Member
ok...ty guys...cant switch yet...got other plants need full light,,,guess ill wait n see what happens


Well-Known Member
Give it another couple of weeks, if nothing then try the 12/12. I've seen autos on here that needed the switch and some that don't. The auto section of the forum is really good.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
NOTHING is as fast as breeder reports say.......More like from the time you first see buds form - not node sites but, actual buds.


Active Member
hows it look? thought it would have buds by now...says 70 days life span? from herbies
For sure change to 12/12 lighting. And it appears you have a ph problem with note lockout, looks like the plant has stopped further growth till problem is resolved. It also appears you're not saturating the soil enough when watering. You need to have at least 20 percent runoff when watering in soil to make sure you're not building up salts, depending on your feed. But like i said give them a real good watering with ph6 water with notes and maybe foliar with super thrive or liquid kelp extract.