388 points why am i stuck on 313

Early tall-building designers, fearing a fire on the 13th floor, or fearing tenants' superstitions about the rumor, decided to omit having a 13th floor listed on their elevator numbering. This practice became commonplace, and eventually found its way into American mainstream culture and building design.

must suck being murican having to believe all kinds of rubbish like this
so its the 5K award that gets the 388 points

i already have the great contributor
I dont have the 5k award , when I get it (if) it'll put me at 388, I've been here almost 12 years and havent even cracked 2k messages.... I did just hit up sunni like two weeks ago and asked her about the all tatted up award...... she said someone has gotten one and then they got banned, she suggested I didnt do it lol , If it was just a little one I could squeeze into an already existing one I'd do it , I had planned on getting a small one done, but only if it hadnt been done yet lol, it was already done so no go here
I dont have the 5k award , when I get it (if) it'll put me at 388, I've been here almost 12 years and havent even cracked 2k messages.... I did just hit up sunni like two weeks ago and asked her about the all tatted up award...... she said someone has gotten one and then they got banned, she suggested I didnt do it lol , If it was just a little one I could squeeze into an already existing one I'd do it , I had planned on getting a small one done, but only if it hadnt been done yet lol, it was already done so no go here

I think you should do it!