$380 electric bill in CA for a 2 bedroom victorian. should I be worried?

Hi guys,
this actually isnt totally my grow it was one of those credit systems where they use my land, take care of plants and everything and take half the yield and buy half my yield for a decent price for the dispensary.

but as i said above, the place and the electric bill is on my name so does 380 sound like a number that i should be worried about?


Active Member
Aren't they licensed in the state of CA? I thought Obama told the feds to chill out on state legalized mj. If you mean worried as in "getting caught," I wouldn't worry. That's a large bill though. Do the dispensary people pick up some of that bill?


Active Member
not at all... Some Appliances use a lot of energy I.E Ovens, washers/ dryers, computers etc... now if you are over $1,000 than I would start to sweat a bit. You should not be causing any red flags. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
no worries at alll alot of people run 400-1000 watt metal halides all night on house/garages. My neior has a 400 on his garage and 2 250, 1 on his front and back, thats almost 1000 watts and he dosnt grow, thats just a average house setup ya no?


Well-Known Member
I live in seattle we have the lowest electric in the US. My bill is 300 a month every month for the past 3 years.


I live in California, grow "legally" and have got a 1k hps. My bills the last couple months have been 400 and 600. I wouldn't be worried, I'm not. Its going over baseline that fucks you. They lower your electric baseline in the winter and raise your gas because they assume you are heating your house with gas. Does the house have an electric or gas heater? If its electric you can get the baseline raised which will drastically reduce your bill.
oh wow. thats specially the cali ppl.

although this is under legal limits, im growing in another house(not in the same county) but with the same doctors rec so i dunno how safe that is. ill only be fcked if both the ops get busted at the same time right?


Well-Known Member
oh wow. thats specially the cali ppl.

although this is under legal limits, im growing in another house(not in the same county) but with the same doctors rec so i dunno how safe that is. ill only be fcked if both the ops get busted at the same time right?
I've wondered about that, I'm in the same situation.


Active Member
Cali sucks in terms of power.. :lol: I was paying about $35-40 a month before my grow. After I added 1 600w light it went up to $130, and after the second 600w it is pushing $200. I am only concerned because we are way over baseline. I live by the beach, and they dont plan on you having A/C or anything so the baseline is really low... Like insanely low. :cuss:


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if it's a legal state i'm not sure what the issue is.

secondly, if an energy rep phoned me up and started enquiring as to my bill and usage etc, well it's none of their business how i use my power really, so yeah, i installed a new tv, bought a new subwoofer. if you stop paying your bill, that's when it might be a bit more worrisome.