37 degrees!? Light frost on grass bad?

my babies are nearing the end of their lives and I am only need a couple more days to a week. but when I woke up this morning there was a light frost on the grass. I am immediately got worried. they get good morning sunlight do you think they will all be okay? I think this is the coldest night were gonna have this week. how much lower can the temperature get before I damage my plants? and thanks guys!!


New Member
should be fine if it was a healthy plant, ive had the growing through several frost and they keep thriving but other strains ive had died after one frost. but with it being that light of a frost it shouldnt hurt them


New Member
yea once you go below 32 it wont last long. one time though i had one that took forever to finish and when i finally harvested it had snow on it by then and was still all perky with all its leaves still on it and all purple from the cold. a good plant can handle 2 to 3 frost in a row then she will start to go downhill from my experience. all depends on hardiness of plant and strain
Awesome feedback guys! I think they'll b fine then. They r pretty strong looking so hopefully all is well. Thanx again!


I woke up to the same thing here. Temp outside was 32.7 F with frost covering the ground. I'am situated on the 44th parallel. My girls look like they need much more time to finish their flowering, I'm guessing at least another 3-4 weeks. But really I have no clue as this is my first grow. The daytime high here for the next week is 61, and 45 being the low. Guess my question is will I be able to harvest smoke-able bud? or will the cold weather have ruined these plants. The 2 outer plants are "acid", and the middle is "Afghan Kush" SAM_0864.jpgSAM_0863.jpgSAM_0861.jpgSAM_0860.jpgSAM_0859.jpgSAM_0858.jpg


New Member
they might pull threw, they got hit pretty bad. just check them this afternoon and post more pics up. if they are wilted real bad you are going to have to pick them, if they dont wilt they should be ok.


i've been thinking the same all morning.... all the love I put into them girls since march just to have mother nature pull a funny that's not so funny... going to go check on them right now and see how they are fairing.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Couldnt cover them with a bed sheet to keep frost off? I was un aware of a night where it frosted, and couldnt cover my ladies, they did great, they didnt get hit as hard as yours though, goodluck man.
those look like they got hit pretty hard. i would give it a day or two and see how they come along. worst case you are looking at some premature buds or some hash, better than nothing though. good luck!


I live is Sudbury, Ontario Canada and i have some girls growing good too. It dropped down to 1C last night, but my girls and doing fine. You will know your plants are toast once the sun warms them up and they wilt to nothing, and then will turn black. At that point, that's it, party is over. I will have to take some pics of my girls. They are over 5 feet tall, and all around in the 5th week of budding. The past couple of days have been chilly, and I can now see a nice dusting trichomes. This is my first grow here outdoors and im very pleased with the results. All from seed!


Thanks, the one in the middle (afghan kush) was stepped on, or the deer tried smoking it maybe a month back. When I checked on them I noticed that one 1/2 of the plant was laying on the ground with the stalk split, but still intact. I think that could be why the leaves are changing so much on that side of the plant. Im surprised that it is still alive and kicking after all she has been through this summer. I kinda split my stalk in half when I was tying her down. I hope there is enough nice weather left in the season for her to finish budding. Noticed 13 deer playing in the field last night in my area, so hopefully they didn't try to get Bzzzzzed.