35W Halogen for seedlings??

Outdoor noob

New Member
I have a 35W Halogen lamp with a UV fliter on it and was wondering if it would be enough to sprout 6 seedlings??

I can also remove the UV filter i am not sure if it is better or not for the plants, any help/recommendations would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Take off the UV filter.

Quickly go out and buy a CFL bulb, they cost like less than £2. Even a 20w bulb will do for a few seedlings.


Well-Known Member
For a week or so, until they drop their "baby leaves". Then you're going to want a good few more. Three would be good but two would be pushing it.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Halogen lights are incandecent. THE WORST light to try to grow a plant with. Just go spend 10 bucks on a couple cfl's man!

Outdoor noob

New Member
Very very helpful guys!
I ditched the halogen lamp and got a 50w CFL bulb with "daylight" lighting, i hope this will do the trick for all of my 6 seedlings :)

Outdoor noob

New Member
halogens are a type of incandescent bulb. i use cfls for all my early vegging.

you have a good outdoor spot yet??

Ugh.... haha no comment :P

I have a few general locations in mind, pretty forested, just have to do a little hiking, and since i am starting later than most i'm not expecting monsters therefore not so worried about finding an incredible location. :D