345 Watt LED Bagseed SOIL grow


Active Member
Hello everyone! Been off the grid for a while now I'm back.. Currently I have 4 bagseed under my new LED light. They all are about 22 days old very compact..initially thought they might have some ruderalis in em but since expelled that notion.
Soil: FF happy frog, 25% perlite, 15% vermaculite, 1/8 Cup Dolomite Lime.
Just topped the two in the front yesterday. they're on 19/5 light right now just fed em their first bloom nutes, using botanicare pro blend soil w/ liquid karma.
Water: Distilled bought from store until I got enough $$ to buy an RO.
Anyway, just wondering what you guys thought about how they look, been out of the game for a while but I think they look ok for their age... still short 6" but have at least 7-9 nodes already. Gonna post updates so I have somewhere to track everything. :hump:
Last water: 8/4/2011- 0.9 EC -pH 6.4 Runoff pH: 5.8 0.75 Gallons
P.S. The light is a hydrogrowLED 345 watt penetrator... done pretty damn well so far in veg. Not using any CFLs because trying to keep footprint as low as possible.



Active Member
whoops! posted in wrong forum sorry moderator. I'll move it to the other one journal section! sorry.