33 year smoker-1st time grow

What is wrong with my plants? I repotted into larger pot with perlite with miracle grow. have not watered yet. i did water when in little peat pots potting soil with super thrive. maybe 2 much?

soil is 4 parts soil, 1 part perlite, 1 part peat moss is this ok?

2nd day under 400w mh. 1st day 10hours, 2nd day 16 hours. 24 inches above plants

plants r 10 days old

4 still to be repotted

any help would be welcome!




Active Member
Hey I just created my account and posted my first thread and I knowticed you're a first time grower too? Your girls are looking better than mine, good luck with your problems.
thanks good luck to you. hoping i get this right. the next step that i know will give me trepidation is putting em under the carbon monixide 4- 2 hours.


Active Member
are you using the mg time released potting soil, if so then more than likely ur nute burning ur little fellas. not much u can do for em cause the shock of transplanting again will prolly kill em. for ur other ones u havnt transplanted id try a different medium. i use 50% perilite, 30% regular old potting soil, and 20% castings from both worm and bat. works well for me. might try watering them a bit but if ur using the time released mg it'll only make it worse cause the water disolves the nutes.


Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn to me. no feedin till 2 ta 3 weeks old. i dont think the mg would burn the plants on its own. ive used b4 an didnt have a problem with burns


Active Member
could be right. when i first started growin i used the mg with the time released and didnt use any nutes just ro water and i still got nute burn. thats the only reason i suspected that.
what i first used is proffessional seed starter.sphagnum peat moss, pro seed starter grade vermiculite, horticutultural grade perlite and other ingredients...does not give an ingredients % listing on bag, so i dont know if it has nutes in it?

the repotted plants have not been watered yet and i just planted the whole peat moss pott in new mix (was i supposed to take them out of peatmoss first?) can nutes leach that quick into a moist peatmoss from dry repottoing soil?

i also yesterday introduced dry ice into the mix. can dry ice burn plants?

i lowered lights this morning to 18 inches above plants am going to a 18/6 cycle.

i will wait to repot others till next week.
just thought of another question.
can i pull out the peat moss potts and repott later or would that shock them 2 much.

responses are appreciated, y'all are are so kind. (pun intended)



Active Member
it does look like a little bit of nitro defficiency but id wait till they got a little bigger to nute em. u dont wanna shock em right off the bat. sometimes nothing bad happens but sometimes it'll wipe out ur little fellas. keep an eye on ur ph and might be able to bring em around without nutes.
i took them off the 400watt. most of what has happened to them i think is sunburn. they didn't look this bad until i put them under the light. i need to learn to have patience! :wall:
i also pulled them out of the pots with mg. these are just some seeds i got from a bag of mids that was have way decent. did not want to learn with the 100-150 seeds.

this what they look like now... there back under floro's till next week.



Well-Known Member
I would let them go a little longer than a week under the floro, wait till they get at least 4-5 sets. Not sure if you were gonna but you are going to need to put those guys in pots, the roots poke out of the organic puts rather easy and roots meeting light is a bad idea. They look alot better than your first pictures. good luck

Also I forgot to say the red stems are perfectly fine at that stage. now if it was later on and your plants were 6-8 inches with 6 or so sets and the stem to leaf was turning red then I would worry about nitro. Rule of thumb no nutes until the oval shaped leaves start to turn yellow. They are like little nute pockets that start the plant out kind of like a womans boob feeding the baby lol.


Well-Known Member
well if you use the MG soil you really shouldn't give them nutes for over a month they say that stuff time releases over 2(or was it 3) months? granted your plants will use it up quicker then most houseplants, You'd see better results not using nutrients, another big thing, be sure to check their pH, this is the part that gets new growers but it will go much faster if your pH is correct ideal is like 6.8, now thats soil pH, you also need to test your water pH, and its best not to use tapwater unless you let it sit out for 24 hrs to let the chlorine evap. easiest way to adjust soil pH is steadily watering with a higher/lower pH water to kind of level out to your needs.

Another big thing, is ventilation, the air in your room should be removed and replaced in 5 minutes, every 5 minutes. also if you keep your lite to high they will stretch, to keep them from toppling over from weak stems, put a small fan on them. this strengthens their stems. preferably an oscillating fan.

Also to high of a humidity will slow your plants down too.

The leaves curling upward is from heat stress, you could still use the 400w i'm sure, just keep it like 2-3 ft away from them until they are like 4'' to 6'', also you need to cool that sucker somehow.
I would let them go a little longer than a week under the floro, wait till they get at least 4-5 sets. Not sure if you were gonna but you are going to need to put those guys in pots, the roots poke out of the organic puts rather easy and roots meeting light is a bad idea. They look alot better than your first pictures. good luck

Also I forgot to say the red stems are perfectly fine at that stage. now if it was later on and your plants were 6-8 inches with 6 or so sets and the stem to leaf was turning red then I would worry about nitro. Rule of thumb no nutes until the oval shaped leaves start to turn yellow. They are like little nute pockets that start the plant out kind of like a womans boob feeding the baby lol.

thanks for the info