33% THC

Anything over 30% that ive had doesnt seem to rank around my favorites.....most of my favorites only come in around 20-24% with a few exceptions, the bubblegum i get is 28% and the jack flash I get is only 18% but its harder than the 32% weddong cake I get
There's over 120 phytocannabinoids in cannabis and they all have an effect on the bodies endocannabinoid system. It's something like an entourage effect, they all have a part to play in the high. So measuring THC does not measure Potency.
100% agree with this but what ppl r u talking about that cbd made anything stronger. That's just not how cbd works
There's over 120 phytocannabinoids in cannabis and they all have an effect on the bodies endocannabinoid system. It's something like an entourage effect, they all have a part to play in the high. So measuring THC does not measure Potency.
I find this to be the most agreeable way to look at it as it fits with my experience and anecdotes from others that I have heard.
So- just as high thc doesn’t necessarily mean a stronger high, strong terpenes and high cbd percentage doesn’t necessarily, either.

It’s like being on a tour bus with musicians-
Sometimes you got Dave Mathews and the whole frickin’ band with Dave high on shrooms trying to get you and yr girl in a threesome but yr not a big fan (of dmb)...
And sometimes it’s just you, Willie Nelson and some of his roadies passing a joint and enjoying the sunshine.

You know what I mean
I find this to be the most agreeable way to look at it as it fits with my experience and anecdotes from others that I have heard.
So- just as high thc doesn’t necessarily mean a stronger high, strong terpenes and high cbd percentage doesn’t necessarily, either.

It’s like being on a tour bus with musicians-
Sometimes you got Dave Mathews and the whole frickin’ band with Dave high on shrooms trying to get you and yr girl in a threesome but yr not a big fan (of dmb)...
And sometimes it’s just you, Willie Nelson and some of his roadies passing a joint and enjoying the sunshine.

You know what I mean
I also 100% agree with you.

Dave Matthews is a knob end
Not for me. Does nothing. Guess I got that enzyme thingie.
I thought the same thing when I first tried it. Then I fractured a finger and tried smoking a huge dab of Charlotte's web shatter while my finger was still healing I got like 60% of my range of motion back in like a day

Edit: what I'm getting at is I think you need like a real ailment of some sort to notice its effects. Also it was really closer to 1 hour than a day
I thought the same thing when I first tried it. Then I fractured a finger and tried smoking a huge dab of Charlotte's web shatter while my finger was still healing I got like 60% of my range of motion back in like a day

Edit: what I'm getting at is I think you need like a real ailment of some sort to notice its effects. Also it was really closer to 1 hour than a day
Blowing out a back is a lot worse than fracturing a finger, so bad I even got disability for it, lol. But let me know you have a real chronic ailment and when the cbd shit affects you like morphine. Lol.
I think a lot about this. I grow a ton of different strains over 30 in the last year. I still only have two keepers I personally like to smoke. I have a lot other people consider fire. When I shop at the store I only buy the best usually from a specific farm that does a good job. They have all the hype strains and a lot of choices, most test close to or over 30%. And I still only like the Mac 1. In the last year I’d say I tried 50 plus strains between the store and my grow.

don’t get me wrong the other strains do get me high but leave me feeling unsatisfied. The strains I do like give me total stress and anxiety relieve for abit it’s almost instant and I can feel my stress melting reom
My back neck area.

Someone said gelato above, but I’ve tried every different kind of gelato I can find and haven’t liked any of them. I really wish I could figure out what it was I liked so much, the I might be able to better find it.
Negating the aspect that each chemotype can effect everyone differently, in my opinion there is still something to be said about the drying/curing/packaging aspect on average-market wide of store bought weed. Wether this is due to logistics of the legal market or the staff involved or a combination of more things, I'm not knowledgeable enough to say for sure. However what most of us know is what it tested at doesn't always equate to end potency. Unfortunately we can't miraculously preserve 100% of the thc/cannabinoids from the testing day to the actual day you smoke it.

I can only assume(with humans being involved) there is a considerable potential for terps to offgass and thc to get destroyed, before or while it is in its final package. The more thc the flower has, the more delicate it needs to be handled to preserve that higher density. Who knows how temperature controlled or delicate the whole process really is during all the transportation and waiting. I guess the proof is in the pooding as they say, some brands can dry/cure/pkg well and others not so much.

Some of my more memorable store bought herb was sungrown in mendo, cured for ~6 months and only tested at 20-22%thc and 3-4% cannabinoids but its effect and taste was better than some of these (~33%thc - 8%cannabinoids) hype producers. Kinda got me scratching my head. Is the hype indoor weed I gave several chances at being mistreated that bad inbetween testing and the smoker? Some of it breaks up into damn fish food :lol:. Where's the resin gone? Half joking but also not.
Negating the aspect that each chemotype can effect everyone differently, in my opinion there is still something to be said about the drying/curing/packaging aspect on average-market wide of store bought weed. Wether this is due to logistics of the legal market or the staff involved or a combination of more things, I'm not knowledgeable enough to say for sure. However what most of us know is what it tested at doesn't always equate to end potency. Unfortunately we can't miraculously preserve 100% of the thc/cannabinoids from the testing day to the actual day you smoke it.

I can only assume(with humans being involved) there is a considerable potential for terps to offgass and thc to get destroyed, before or while it is in its final package. The more thc the flower has, the more delicate it needs to be handled to preserve that higher density. Who knows how temperature controlled or delicate the whole process really is during all the transportation and waiting. I guess the proof is in the pooding as they say, some brands can dry/cure/pkg well and others not so much.

Some of my more memorable store bought herb was sungrown in mendo, cured for ~6 months and only tested at 20-22%thc and 3-4% cannabinoids but its effect and taste was better than some of these (~33%thc - 8%cannabinoids) hype producers. Kinda got me scratching my head. Is the hype indoor weed I gave several chances at being mistreated that bad inbetween testing and the smoker? Some of it breaks up into damn fish food :lol:. Where's the resin gone? Half joking but also not.
Sounds like quantity over quality.
You can produce patiently crafted quality indoor or outdoor, but I think the combo of soil microbes, fresh air, and full sunshine just helps the process when conditions are right. I’m a fan of outdoor or mixed-light (as I do), but I think that some people equate price with quality so to them indoor must be better! -I think the price of indoor comes from having to run lights! But, not here for the indoor/outdoor argument, haha. It’s a matter of taste.
CBD alleviates anxiety. It does not counteract THC it alleviates some of the unwanted side effects. Not the same thing
True it doesn’t “counter” it but it relieves the anxiety yes. which is what I meant that’s my bad for nor clarifying that. Though it did seem like you were implying that it was part of the term profile.
I don’t put too much stock in thc BUT I do notice more of a head change if over 20%.
Kept hearing the line that terps/flavor is really what gets you “high” so I got a cheap ounce of really tasty Mellow Melon tested at 15%thc, from a dispensary. Tasted great, not too dry or uncured, and looked pretty crystally, but it just didn’t get me high until my lungs hurt from smoking so much. My tolerance is very high, too.
So, that’s just one little anecdote, not hard evidence.
I also think it depends on what you desire in a high.
Some are saying there is no difference really between Indica and Sativa in intoxication effects. Regardless there are definitely some that give me saggy eyes, that headband sensation, and a general “dopiness”.
Some give me a hieghtened drive to start/work-on/finish projects, making me feel like it’s more of an adventure or experience worth having, and I can picture the process clearly. I get energized.
I see both types of high as different but equal in how far they remove me from a baseline feeling; I prefer the latter, mostly.

My friend gave me some really potent, actively phenotyped(bred) Gorilla Glue #4 clones that I grew all last year.
They were really potent and definitely lived up to the glue-name. Terps were strong but nothing to seek-out, in my opinion. But- very strong in initial uplifting-effect with a pretty foggy-headed “come-down”.

GG4 is known for very high thc and I think it’s charted at or above 33% before.
prayer pupil by mass medical and GLGenetics. ?
Is there really a strain out there that is capable of producing 33% thc?

Depends on what you mean and how its tested. Theres no way 33% of a plant is thc but if your measuring the resin glands then 33% of the caninibiniods can be thc. The rest will be made up of other cannabinoids. Just because its 33%thc though it dont mean its seriously potent. We dont even fully understand or know all the cannabinoids and how they effects the body along with the terrapins regarding potency. Raising the thc percentage to 33% would be and could be lowering other chemicals in the resin that may combine to effect potency and the overall effect.
Terps have an effect on the way the THC effects you.

Also a lot of people say the strongest strains are ones that have 2-3% CBD with the THC
just a tad bit of CBD makes all the difference. i believe thats why pure sativa is so clean (no CBD clouding your mind).
its the ratio of cannabinoids that affect you. even the metabolites are suppose to affect the high. kinda like not smoking for a month and then smoking a joint, the paranoia factor and insight is off the charts, but after a quick burnout the next high is less intense.
just a tad bit of CBD makes all the difference. i believe thats why pure sativa is so clean (no CBD clouding your mind).
its the ratio of cannabinoids that affect you. even the metabolites are suppose to affect the high. kinda like not smoking for a month and then smoking a joint, the paranoia factor and insight is off the charts, but after a quick burnout the next high is less intense.
Many landrace Sativas contain CBD.

As for high THC strains, I typically don't care for them. The quest for high THC is one of the worst things to happen to cannabis breeding in the modern era. The more THC your bud has, the less you need to smoke, right? That means, you are getting less of all the other cannabinoids, and all the various terpenes, and other bioactive compounds too. These other compounds are the reason why some strains make you happy, anxious, tired, paranoid, calm, sleepy, etc-they are responsible for all of the diversity of potential "highs" that we can find in this plant. All of my favorite strains range from 10 to probably 20%, many of them are landraces-they have a character that modern, THC/high production oriented cannabis has lost. For some reason, and I especially see this in the younger generations, there seems to be this goal of getting instantly stupefied. I hate one-hitters...I've never gotten a creative high that actually enhances my work from a one hitter. Think of the genius music that was written in the 60s and 70s on landrace sativa vs the moronic hip hop and autotuned junk that modern "artists" can hardly stay awake to finish recording-I'm sure these people are smoking all the "fire" strains LOL
Honestly the most intense high I can recall was from some commercial Mexican brick weed back in the 90s. Was just a 16-17 yr old so take that into consideration. But a buddy had enough to pack a bong load and there was like 6 of us. I got 3rd hit so I hit that fucker for all its worth.

1 hit and like 10 minutes later I'm hearing an imaginary radio playing with Dj and all. Asked my friends what neighbors were jamming tunes. My friends all looked at me like I was crazy.

Literally only time weed made me hallucinate. Could have been something in the weed but I was the only one to rip it that hard, lol. No way that shit was above 15%
lots of great responses here

I will agree that strains in the mid to high 20% range that also have 1-2% cbd is maybe not the "strongest" but without a doubt is the highest I've ever been, with best mental clarity and least anxiety. There are some Cali O / Orange Skunk / Tangie crosses that are for me like perfect medicine. Gets me energized and super creative while blasting out any anxiety or stress. The last one I found was a Tangelo or Banjo cross that tested at 27% thc 1.5% cbd and was a rocket ship to the moon. Still searching for a pheno myself, have a Tangieland cross going now I hope does the trick.

I personally don't care for high thc couchlock strains. I got shit to do. I realize for some people they need the pain relief and heavy dose but for me for day to day use I prefer something milder.

I also have had amazing outdoor that tested at 14% that tasted better and had a more enjoyable high than some 30% indoor. THC is by no means the only measure of good herb.