33 females indoor/18 different strains


Well-Known Member
Nov 22 huh? Thatll be interesting Im set to harvest my 1 indoor girl around Nov 15th. Keep it up bro a month and a half left to go.


Active Member
I really wonder what kind of yield I will get off the sour cream when she went from seed to flowering 7 days later.I have never done a girl like that before,anyone ever do it?what kind of yield did you get off what strain?

I moved the girls around and spead them out more and lifted the light in the big tent.Temps are steady at 76 degrees humidity 55-60%
all the girls are showing there sex with the horns,dam i love those horns


Active Member
I just decided that with this many girls needing to be harvested by me and me only,and some days its up to 10.I am purchasing electric scissors to speed up the trimming.
Just got the 8 chamber drying net today.I will need another


keep the thread updated, looks so amazing so far.. What would you guess on the yield for this kinda grow?


Active Member
i just checked on the girls,the indicas that have been in flowering for 14 days are starting to show there first hairs on the tops


Active Member
3rd week of flowering starting,still have 3 girls in the veg tent for 2 more days.
The White Russian is still my favorite,it has like 7 tops and looks sooooo nice
just watered the girls and i found they were really droopy at the bottoms,so i think im gonna start watering more often now.
I ordered the electric scissors to help me with harvest

i think my next grow im gonna add 4 more girls in the large tent as i think i have room,we'll see as this one progresses.
Nobody posted anything about experience with 12/12 from seed.My little sour cream is my first attempt at it,just staring its 3rd set of leaves.



Active Member
the white russian has really taken off and gotten tall,to lower its hight i bent some branchs down till the stem kinda kinked,is that called


Active Member
ouchhhhhhh,oh man i think i hurt my super lemon haze bad,i was trying to fim it(bend the main stem towards the top till it kinked,and it pretty much tore 80% thru,I didn't know what to do if it was ruined or not,so i kept it still attatched by what remains it had,and put it back on and taped it.Anyone know what the result of this fuck up is going to be????I'm hoping in a few days it will mend itself,but I have no clue.
I did it sucessfully 10 times on other branches on other plants


Well-Known Member
the white russian was a fav of mine when I grew it, as for snapping the main trunk it really depends I have seen tops wither and cease growth and some that still get nutrients delivered stake it up maybe spray a emulsified fish solution (weak) to hep foliar feeding and maybe even misting it reguarly but most likely its a done deal. great grow though.


Active Member
day 18 of flowering for some girls,and day 9 for most others
the indicas that are suppose to finish in 8 weeks are leading the pack as far as white hairs forming,the northern lights,rocklock,ak-48,afghan kush,white russian,bubba kush are looking good.I'm really excited to see how the white russian comes along as it looks great,way different then all the others.I have one plant not sure what it is at the moment(as i cant get to the name marker easily)that is the darkest girl in the room.I think its a PPP i will know for sure at next watering but she sticks out with her dark color.The 2 that have the most problems are the pineapple chunk and the super skunk,nothing crazy,just the lower leaves are discolored and not looking good.They must be picky on the nutes caus i give each girl no matter what strain the same nutes as i go by weeks old ,not strain.With this many girls to water and all ready the problem of they are on different weeks of age im not going further with the difficulty and mixing different nute strenghts for certain plants,i will mix in straight water feedings with the nute feedings for these 2 from now on.
I'm really bummed out over breaking the main cola 6" of it on my super lemon haze,i didnt do the right things at the time it happened and im sure the top wont live but i now know how to handle it if and when it happens again,i got to say though,that was like my most anticipated bud of the entire grow as my next grow is gonna have 4 of them in it.
Today i will move the last 3 girls into flowering,i have to rearrange all the girls into their corrects tents the indicas in the small tent,the sativas into the big tent as right now they are all mixed up and slammed into the big tent as that is the only one flowering right now,tonight i will have both flowering.
As stated earlier i already have the next 35 seeds for the next grow to start dec 1st and i think im going to add 4 more to it as i think i have the room.I want to order willie nelson,connie chung,widowrella,ata tundra (caus i cant find alaskan thunderfuck)
today i am putting together another wine cabinet that i use to store mason jars of bud,all individually labeled.Each wine cabinet holds 24 quart jars,so i will have 48 jars holding about 45 different strains for my head stash.I also have a vacu-seal and 40 bags to vacumme seal a bunch of bud.I figure ill vacumme each strain and leave like 7 grams loose and put the sealed bag into the jar,then the loose stuff on top of the bag so i can get to it easily.no need to let air get to the entire bud each time i want some.
I'll take pics of my cabinets and jars and all ,its a neat idea that looks great


sick bro, I read this post from beginning to end. Your going to make a killing once everthing is done and ready for market. whats are your prices going to be once all said and done? good luck...cant wait for more pic's.