30ish Yr old Columbian Gold Seed Sprouts. Do I Want it to be a Male or Female?

Make this a Male or a Female-30 yr old columbian Gold Sprout

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Well-Known Member
yes, transing is onthe list in the next 48 hrs. gotta move hempy, so i can free up some small buckets for other small plants.

will do that likely tomorrow, as id like to stick the new bloomers in tomorrow night. i head out monday, and im hoping i can find out what sex the cutting i took is. but it needs a bigger pot first as well.

i was like WTH. it was looking pathetic, so much so i didnt want to take a pic of it. certainly was wilting, but must of just been a recent situation, as 2hrs after some water to the roots and a light foilage spray, it was looking like it is in the pic above. whew.....


Well-Known Member
well verdict is in i think now. I would have to say it is a Girl.

just stuck a rooted cut into bloom to see how it does. it was about 6 inches going into bloom.



Well-Known Member
WOOOHOOO!!! Congrats! The wait is over... I have a panama red seed from panama that just germed, gonna use the same technique to find the sex. Beautiful work my friend!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i seen that, unfortunatly i cant find my reading glasses to take a closer look. will have to get a new pair tomorrow, so all i can do today is try to get clear pics. lol its a bit of a bitch. heh.

but that is the only place i see anything on sprout, and shes still in under veg lighting. once i get a better pic, i ll share. dman i need my specs. lol


Well-Known Member
ok, got 2 good close pics. by eyeball, it looks like just a new growth, stem maybe. no where else do i see anything similar to the pic above. only that spot. here are the 2 good pics i just took.



Active Member
yep thats a lady alright.

thank god! i was pulling for you!

do you intend on breeding it? im just asking because a 30-yr old Columbian Gold is pretty damn rare and probably worth something...especially if you made S1 beans...

oh and this may be wishful thinking but...if you do happen to make beans from it (s1 or otherwise) i personally would pay for those genetics! :)

but either way i hope you enjoy the smoke that comes from it. im still sub'd :p


Well-Known Member
yes, after i can confirm genetics, my Main goal will be to source some old skool Male CG Pollen to bring on a line of 100% seeds (if i can find male CG Pollen, and ofcourse considering my genetic testing confims my beliefe of the herritage of my sprout).

the long term goal is to be able to introduce an Old School pure CG strain, so that more precise breeding can begin from the beginning again.

I also have an Early Pearl sprouted from late 80s early 90s, and from the mid 80s i have a few precious Hawaiian Blue seeds, but they look a bit immature, so im not sure if they ll sprout at all. can only hope for the best with them.


Well-Known Member
yes they say you can influence (but not determine) the sex of the plant, with the conditions of the environment - lights, RH, temps, nutes etc. cervantes' grow bible mentions it.

imo would be better to grow fem, clone it, then breed some clones with different strains to see what you get. given that you have only one plant of this. also you can herm it and make feminized seeds, especially if it doesn't herm easily - that way you know your feminized seeds will not turn out hermies themselves when grown properly.


Active Member
you can hope to find some real CG pollen but I woudnt count on it ... you may have to take a clone or 2 and hermie them for seed stock . There are a few seedbanks claiming to have some oldschool CG but you know how that usually goes .... glad it turned out to be female for you though , you can clone the hell outa it from here anyway .....


Well-Known Member
few pics. first is the cut that went into bloom 2 weeks ago (front girl).
then Sprout in Veg.



Active Member
If I were you, I would keep one of those plants as a Mother plant (best female of all of them) and get as many clones as I can and breed them with a good male.


Well-Known Member
im keeping the seedling as a mom for now. until she gets TOO large for my britches anyways.

but yes, i ll certainly be keeping a mom or 2 in veg.


Well-Known Member
will have a good amount of update info tomorrow evening as to the current growings ons on the oldy but goody.


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I'd take like 50 cuttings off her a week, and spread the love all over the world! :D

The power of one seed!..... You could bring that strain back to the masses if you wanted to, just like BLUE DREAM is exploding!

But to tell you the truth, it looks more or Hybrid to me.. Maybe an Acapulco Gold? :/

This is a pic of a Colombian Gold by Gage Green Seeds.... Know it's not the same same, but should be similar..... Sugar leaves might grow like this, who knows, but i doubt this thin...... Fan Leaves should be thinner...... You should of taken the seed to Pawn Stars, maybe they would of gave you some $$$ :D



Well-Known Member
Damn those are some nice macro shots man. I can't keep my hands steady enough to take them that clear.


Well-Known Member
Hey Timmah... still watching and loving what you're doing with this strain... the cuttings look good! If you don't mind I'd love to see some updated pics of the seedling Mother...