300 WATT cfl 2700k 16 bux at lowes?


i added 2 of these and 4 100 watt 2700k cfls to my existing 350 watts of hps (150 watt) each to cover a 20 sq foot room i made. u think its enuff light? lol/ the cfls are hung low to light the undercaririage and the hps from above.i think its giving me 67 watts a sq foot deffinately overkill lol

anyway if u live near a lowes that is super freaking cheap for 300 watt of cfl, i now have to tend my plants with sunglasses on or i see spots when i leave the room.so stoked i found these so cheap!


Well-Known Member
I have a 55, and two 45 watt CFLs in my grow chamber. They indeed put out a lot of heat (the built in ballasts). A 300 watt CFL would burst into flames.


actually with a 2 fan window fan my temps are not exceeding 75 degrees max , and yes i know the actual wattage usage of a cfl .that is why i went with these for more light instead of a less energy consuming hid as i have 3 of those going already.

the 100 watters are ruunning hotter than the 300's

in 2 days the growth is so fast now in 4th week of flower i am raising the lights everyday.
i was just tryin to save some fellows some cash on a great flower cfl for far cheaper than a grow store.:bigjoint:

any light will put out heat that is a given.

my last harvest was over 1/4 lb. in a 4x3 closet.going flower from seed of from 8 plants from bagseed and 3 toke couchlock indica's they were,now i have revegged the best 2 and doing clones so no wasted space anymore so i think i have a slight idea what i am doing using all fox farm soil and nutes.:leaf:
i added 2 of these and 4 100 watt 2700k cfls to my existing 350 watts of hps (150 watt) each to cover a 20 sq foot room i made. u think its enuff light? lol/ the cfls are hung low to light the undercaririage and the hps from above.i think its giving me 67 watts a sq foot deffinately overkill lol

anyway if u live near a lowes that is super freaking cheap for 300 watt of cfl, i now have to tend my plants with sunglasses on or i see spots when i leave the room.so stoked i found these so cheap!
I'm having trouble finding the bulbs at lowe's. are you able to give me a exact description, or better yet post a link to the bulb on lowe's website. Thanks Bud ;)
actually with a 2 fan window fan my temps are not exceeding 75 degrees max , and yes i know the actual wattage usage of a cfl .that is why i went with these for more light instead of a less energy consuming hid as i have 3 of those going already.

the 100 watters are ruunning hotter than the 300's

in 2 days the growth is so fast now in 4th week of flower i am raising the lights everyday.
i was just tryin to save some fellows some cash on a great flower cfl for far cheaper than a grow store.:bigjoint:

any light will put out heat that is a given.

my last harvest was over 1/4 lb. in a 4x3 closet.going flower from seed of from 8 plants from bagseed and 3 toke couchlock indica's they were,now i have revegged the best 2 and doing clones so no wasted space anymore so i think i have a slight idea what i am doing using all fox farm soil and nutes.:leaf:
bro, its an advertising scheme. all it means is, this light is supposed to be as bright as one of these shitier older 300w incandescent bulbs. Thats all, its so fuckin annoying and confusing when people use the advertisement on the box to measure thier cfl bulbs power. just use the real wattage, Its not 300 watts, It's No where close by todays standard because no one uses incandescents anymore. by calling it that you are being just as lame as the company's for making people think it is anywhere close to as powerfull as one of todays 300 watt bulbs. Dont get me wrong CFL Is a amazing way to grow, just dont be a :dunce: