300+450w bathroom grow HELP!!


Well-Known Member
I got 2-3 weird plants im using soil, peat-moss,vermiculite,perlite mix.... plants are about 2-3weeks old. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what is wrong with these few plants i have
below are the plants with problems can anyone identify.. Just changed my soil mix slightly cause thai soil to much clay and i dont know how to use bat guano or worm castings would love advice for that too...
these are all indoor few with problems any ideas? one seems conpletely stunted was first to sprout but now its smallest... Should i just keep flusing it? they not looking great someone said mite be light or heat stress what do u guys think\''10568002_10154421144380174_1769308581_n.jpg 10551950_744845062225362_100682823_n.jpg 10563545_744844848892050_515372301_n.jpg 10559177_744844855558716_841441233_n.jpg 10585721_744844685558733_1217896700_n.jpg 10568037_744844692225399_1040916539_n.jpg 10585684_744844695558732_1869970943_n.jpg 10533057_758986304153038_1526574208_n.jpg 10581362_758986390819696_703217779_n.jpg 10545049_758986360819699_1757215536_n.jpg
Don't flush. You need to feed them. Your soil mix isnt hot - its completely devoid of nutrients. Go do some reading in the organics section. Read all the stickies. Go do some reading in any section. This is like your 10th thread today looking for help. You need to do some of the work on your own so you can ask the more specific questions.
sorry asked in many forums but never really found answer... best guess is that i mixed too much fertilzer in seedling pot so have to flush out abit