30 pounds from 5 mothers?


my seeds popped up and are in there baskets :mrgreen:

can i get 30 pounds out of my 5 mothers? i am using an ebb and flow system with a 4' x 1' tray/ 10 gallon res for the mothers and a 4' x 4' tray / 40 gallon res for the clones.

and can anyone reccomend a good light setup with fan for under 150 each?

i already have a purple haze in its third week of flowering :hump: i'll get pics of that one later.



Well-Known Member
you mean the mothers themselves or the clones from the mothers per cycle? either way its really pushing it, 30 pounds is ALOT of bud.


Well-Known Member
lol obviously because some people can keep their mothers for years after years, so you could eventually get it done in a pc box if u really wanted.


Well-Known Member
Better veg em for a couple years in a warehouse with about a 50 1000w bulbs and you may get something special...seriously not sure if you mean all the clones you could take over time, but Ive seen people keep mothers for years, taking probably hundreds of clones that Im sure all added up to quite a bit. To my knowledge you can keep a mother as long as you want, provided you have the room and keep her trained well so theres plenty of cuts to be had. Ive had some pretty big outdoor plants that have come close to 5lbs, usually between 2-4lb/plant, kind of confused......


Well-Known Member
If I were you I would get some panels of T5's for veg, then probably 400-600w hps for flower...you could definetely get away with less or switch in MH for the T5/T8...but Im starting to like the T5's just as much as mh. All depends on what you can afford, basicly figure out your budget then get the best setup for your price. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I really dont see 30 lbs w/o you forking over alot more than you've said you wanted to spend. got 5-10k+ to invest? you would need to have 120lbs wet bud to get 30 lbs dry. even outdoors w/alot of space 30lbs is a pretty lofty goal.


Well-Known Member

so whats a realistic goal.
When discussing indoor grows, one should think in terms of square feet instead of plant numbers.

Yield changes very little when plant numbers are changed, as long as the leaf canopy is complete.

The highest per square foot yield I've seen was 67.5 grams/2.38 ounces per square foot.(at 140 watts per square foot)

If lighting is the limiting factor, another friend has achieved 2.6 pounds/1.2 kg. per 1000 watt HPS.

These are extremely experienced growers.

30 pounds = 13.608 kilos.

If you have the skills, you can get 30 pounds from a bit over 200 square feet lit at about 140 watts per square foot with CO2.(That is a LOT of canopy!)

Or you can buy 12 1000 watt HPS lamps and try to duplicate the efforts of masters.

Based on your finances, I'd say go for a T-5 fixture for veg, and a single 1000w HPS.

Find out what your skill level is compared to the master gardeners who achieved the numbers mentioned.

Good luck!

Please excuse my rambling. The above was written shortly after several good rips of Herijuana through this:



When discussing indoor grows, one should think in terms of square feet instead of plant numbers.

Yield changes very little when plant numbers are changed, as long as the leaf canopy is complete.

The highest per square foot yield I've seen was 67.5 grams/2.38 ounces per square foot.(at 140 watts per square foot)

If lighting is the limiting factor, another friend has achieved 2.6 pounds/1.2 kg. per 1000 watt HPS.

These are extremely experienced growers.

30 pounds = 13.608 kilos.

If you have the skills, you can get 30 pounds from a bit over 200 square feet lit at about 140 watts per square foot with CO2.(That is a LOT of canopy!)

Or you can buy 12 1000 watt HPS lamps and try to duplicate the efforts of masters.

Based on your finances, I'd say go for a T-5 fixture for veg, and a single 1000w HPS.

Find out what your skill level is compared to the master gardeners who achieved the numbers mentioned.

Good luck!

Please excuse my rambling. The above was written shortly after several good rips of Herijuana through this:
nice dildo :lol: j/k

thanks for the help.

do you have a link to that light setup.


james murphy

Well-Known Member
this is soooo funny..i love it..you guys are so kind and sincere...making it all the more hilarious. keep it green and keep it real


Well-Known Member
nice dildo :lol: j/k

thanks for the help.

do you have a link to that light setup.

The steamroller is a foot long, and very few folks can take a rip from it without choking.

Picked it up in Monterey, last year. There are a couple really nice head shops there.

I'm not an indoor grower, so I won't make recommendations about lights. I suggest you do a search for "T-5 fixtures " and HPS lights(High Pressure Sodium).