30% off everything @ Sea of Seeds

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Well-Known Member
Stealthiest packaging I've seen yet.
I believe EM. Any company who was sending out fake genetics, wouldn't be in business for long if they weren't the real deal.


Well-Known Member
Amos Otis basically did not bother to read, came here to slander and blackmail, and in the end not only got 30% off his order, but got free seeds because of his mistake.

It would be nice if Amos now created a thread which talks about the excellent service he didn't deserve, but has received.
Wouldn't be surprised if he creates a new blackmail thread when a couple of his ceeds don't germinate. (probably didn't read the statement about souvenier purposes only)


Because as a company it would not be worth us sending you fake products we are not a fly by company we enjoy this business and enjoy spreading genetics all over the world,
With respect if you want breeders packs dont choose stealth, we work differently to other seedbanks when we think of stealth we think get it there with as little risk of it being found, Opening a parcel with breeder packs blatantly there for all to see is not stealth thats just my thoughts :)



so I won't get my breeder's pack even if i have requested in the comment box?

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Yes, I cling to freebies just as much as you cling to 30% off seeds. Guess we must be in the same boat... Sorry Mod..

You think clutching for any and all unknown freebies and bag seed equals me selectively * purchasing * [ you know...with money ] packs of brand name seeds at a discount? Really? I don't believe that for a second, and doubt anyone else does. Especially you.

As to the "same boat" - not a chance. Buzzkill is never allowed aboard either of mine.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Out of respect for the mod, i'm not going to get into it too much with you, but like I said before it was deleted, if you post in an open forum, do not be surprised when other people chime in...
I'm not surprised at all. Were you surprised when I 'liked' redeye bri's post that criticized mine? Were you surprised that I replied to him that I respected his point of view? Or, more likely....did you just overlook it on your rush to join in the mindless herd?

I got to where I am today - which is very comfortable - by doing things my way. When my businesses were succeeding, many of the ones who failed cried foul, but guess what? That's what losers do, 9 times out of 10.

My history on this forum is all the evidence anyone needs to see that I have been a helpful and respectful contributor. I suspect that none of my posts on this thread were deleted because I aimed replies directly back at the people spewing their disagreements with profanity and attempted insults. Which also, is the tactic of losers.

So, know this: I'll still post on SoS, in the same manner I always have, and I look forward to replies that agree, disagree, or add to the topic in any meaningful way. But don't * you * be surprised - should you or anyone else jump in and go after me in the style of a 10 year old that's just learned new 'cuss words', "don't be surprised* when I answer you - but it will not be in kind, for 2 reasons:
[a] profanity is the vocabulary of the ignorant and classless, and I actually understand what 'blackmail' and 'slander' mean.

You boys have a nice day !:weed:


Active Member
I'm not surprised at all. Were you surprised when I 'liked' redeye bri's post that criticized mine? Were you surprised that I replied to him that I respected his point of view? Or, more likely....did you just overlook it on your rush to join in the mindless herd?

I got to where I am today - which is very comfortable - by doing things my way. When my businesses were succeeding, many of the ones who failed cried foul, but guess what? That's what losers do, 9 times out of 10.

My history on this forum is all the evidence anyone needs to see that I have been a helpful and respectful contributor. I suspect that none of my posts on this thread were deleted because I aimed replies directly back at the people spewing their disagreements with profanity and attempted insults. Which also, is the tactic of losers.

So, know this: I'll still post on SoS, in the same manner I always have, and I look forward to replies that agree, disagree, or add to the topic in any meaningful way. But don't * you * be surprised - should you or anyone else jump in and go after me in the style of a 10 year old that's just learned new 'cuss words', "don't be surprised* when I answer you - but it will not be in kind, for 2 reasons:
[a] profanity is the vocabulary of the ignorant and classless, and I actually understand what 'blackmail' and 'slander' mean.

You boys have a nice day !:weed:

Wrong! You did have posts deleted on this thread! Like the post when you resorted to name calling and referred to other members here as "hyenas". And now you name call members here as a "mindless herd".

You seem to have a very serious problem with the concept of honesty and integrity.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Wrong! You did have posts deleted on this thread! Like the post when you resorted to name calling and referred to other members here as "hyenas". And now you name call members here as a "mindless herd".

You seem to have a very serious problem with the concept of honesty and integrity.
Hi, there, EZ - I hardly recognized that post as you....seeing how your language now actually appears adult.

Good for you ! Have a great day ! :hump:


Active Member
Hi, there, EZ - I hardly recognized that post as you....seeing how your language now actually appears adult.

Good for you ! Have a great day ! :hump:
My language was never out of line! Never! But hey, thanks for continuing to distort the truth... otherwise we wouldn't be able to recognize You!

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Listen to this guys capitalist BS... You know someone has issues when they start boasting about money while claiming someone else isn't as financially set as they are and basically calling someone a poor beggar. If you believe money gives you any status on here or makes you any better in life then I feel sorry for those forced to exist along side you... Still riding that high horse to death eh?? I'm surprised this thread has room for our comments with your ego busting at it's seams...

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
I love how he thought his level of respect was so high that only his posts calling names and a lot of butt stuff (kinda odd but what he's into) wouldn't be deleted...


Active Member
You know someone has issues when they start boasting about money while claiming someone else isn't as financially set as they are and basically calling someone a poor beggar. If you believe money gives you any status on here or makes you any better in life then I feel sorry for those forced to exist along side you
The comical irony is the fact that Amos himself is the guy that started this thread solely because he got so excited about the 30% off price discount!

And now he tries to put down other RIU members about money status!!! :roll: Amazing. Absolutely amazing...


Staff member
I asked for arguing to stop, it didnt . so take a kit kat break cause this thread is CLOSED.
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