30% off everything @ Sea of Seeds

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It's a well thought out plan I'd say... But from what I've seen, most seed banks try to have good service, as it's in their best interest if they are legitimate. So, telling them your starting a thread about it, is something they probably already expect... And if their not legitimate, it won't matter anyway. I'm fairly sure though they will replace any product if it didn't arrive or was wrecked somehow.


Well-Known Member
Just a couple of questions. If you're gonna post whatever you have to say regardless of the outcome of service, why the secrecy? Are you starved for attention or are you trying to hype something up that isn't very interesting? I'm not sure what you are trying to do, what I do know is you're pissing people off for sure. Kind of funny in a way though. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
I've never understood why people do this sort of thing... When something goes wrong they have to tell the world before it's fixed, I just don't get it...

It's almost like someone is attention seeking or something similar, just seems childish and immature, especially when slander is involved. Mistakes are made but if rectified swiftly and efficiently, it shouldn't really matter. Sea of Seeds will always have my custom, unless I am genuinely ripped off. What I like so much about Sea of Seeds is the direct contact with EM, EM seems like a down to earth person who just wants to do their best, any question I've asked via PM or e-mail has been met with a well detailed and if need be, apologetic reply which I have found satisfactory. I've also usually received a reply with in 3 days.

Even if things go bad for me, I've always got confidence in them fixing it with the right course of action. And if I do end up with a problem, I wouldn't disclose any information or even let people know I've had a problem until said problem has been dealt with. Then I would give a detailed analysis on a forum post and perhaps e-mail EM with praise or constructive criticism depending on the outcome.

This whole "Look at me, I got screwed" attitude just seems a bit petty given that no opportunity to fix the problem has been given(as of yet).

Just my opinion on the matter.

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Amos Otis you're peddling backwards saying you will post it either way when you've said you wanted to give them the chance to fix it before posting what they did... Sounds like you're looking for something for free, and riding your high horse to death while doing so. I think you may need to mention a few more times that you started this thread and how you've profited SoS by doing so. You've gotta have a bit more room for blowing smoke up your ass, no?... I've got a good gut feeling for snakes in the grass.

I hope this precious thread you started takes away your "leverage" with all the negative feedback your post is accumulating...

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member

Original statement
I stated in my mail that I would wait for their reply before posting the complaint here, as it's only fair to first give them a chance to fix it.
Current statement I am going to post the details either way - fixed or not.
Changed your mind did you?

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Do you know if that WW is a fem? It doesn't say, but that's all Dinafem makes. Plus it's only a single rather than the usual 2 for regs.
I'm pretty sure every "single" freebie seed is a Fem seed. the doubles are because they're giving you regulars. So the WW x WW should be Fem. That's what I'm counting on at least...


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure every "single" freebie seed is a Fem seed. the doubles are because they're giving you regulars. So the WW x WW should be Fem. That's what I'm counting on at least...
99.9% of the time that's how they'll do it, 1 for fem 2 for reg. The 2 for reg is just a better chance for a female is all. Peace out. And oh yeah, this guy completely personifies the type of characters they made ignore buttons for in forums, later everyone.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Me thinks someone is hungry for some more freebies. Also harden the fuck up and deal with the matter via pm or email ya little baby.
You thinks? Use this guideline:

1. Read the thread.
2. Note the section where SoS 'freebies' is discussed.
3. Read MY post where I say I don't use S0S freebies.

Feel free to apologize at your convenience. And be sure to never stray from the herd. Got it?


Well-Known Member
What a waste of my life, why did you even start this thread? At this point it appears to have been nothing but leverage bordering on blackmail.
SOS is fine, if there was a mistake I am sure it was just that and nothing more......
A moderator should just close and lock this absolute waste of a potential readers time......


Well-Known Member
What a waste of my life, why did you even start this thread? At this point it appears to have been nothing but leverage bordering on blackmail.
SOS is fine, if there was a mistake I am sure it was just that and nothing more......
A moderator should just close and lock this absolute waste of a potential readers time......
I imagine you pulling that exact expression in your avatar after reading through it. :D


Well-Known Member
Wooow i have only just seen this thread lolol.

Anyway for the details youve all been waiting for, An order was placed picking stealth option so sos packed using the stealth method and shipped, the order was received in perfect condition but they were not in the breeder packs, an email was received stating there was no breeder packs now even though it states clearly in the delivery page stealth does not include the packs customer was not happy but we thought about the problem and realised we didnt have this information in the check out (like on the old site) so we honoured a resend and we added the info in the checkout so this does not happen again, so hopefully customer is happy and we are happy with the fact we have updated the site :)

peace out (more work to do lolol)


Active Member

Is that what this absurd drama was all about? No breeder packs were included... in the stealth packaging!?????

BWAHAHAHAHAHA Laughing My Fucking Ass Off !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm basically just bumping this thread back to the front, so that Sea of Seeds can find it easily. I received my package, and have issues about what I have received.

I have just sent an e-mail to them, documenting my issues. I mentioned that I started this thread here, which has been of benefit to them.

I will post here when I receive their reply. Should they take care of my complaint, that is all I will post here. Should I remain dissatisfied, I will post details including copies of the e-mails.
You started all this nonsense because you can't read? Who in their right mind would think seeds come in breeder packs when you order stealth?
The fact that SoS is reshipping because of something that is not their fault, speaks volumes to me. You were quick to come on here and knock em, let's see if you're so quick to tell when they come through.


Well-Known Member
My package arrived today I think (my wife checks the mail). If no one answers by tomorrow Ill let you know. I don't know if High Quality Seeds has special packaging or plain baggies with a sticker.


I also choose stealth shipping and request breeder packaging, not because i really want it stealth but the guarantee of delivery.

for those of u who got their beans without breeder's packaging how can you tell if they're the real beans??
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