Well-Known Member
here is the thing I learned last year. It doesnt matter how much you veg that plant when you place it in a "pot" it will always be the same size as a plant that wasnt vegged. The reason is because once the plant reached the point where it runs out of room growth slows down a lot. I vegged a plant for almost 3 months and a put one in that was 2 weeks old and they came out to same size. I too used smart pots. I was told this from an old timer who has 40 plus years on us and I didnt believe him until last season. Now the only reason I veg long is so when it goes out side it can handle a little nibble from critters. If you place in the ground it will be the same don't ask me how Im still trying to figure that out. The plants that are smaller will catch up in 10 days or so and you will never notice a difference. 30 gallon yield amount doesnt matter what matters is your strain so get to know your plant and you will have a better idea of your return. The older timer told me your plant is half the battle and now I know what he means. I grew OG Kush in the 30 gallon pot and I got 8 oz per plant I grew Nuken in same pot got 1.5 lbs so there you go hope it helps
Old timers...