$30 400W HPS Armoire Grow cab Cooling/Lighting/Odor


First time grower first time posting. I've got a concept in mind. I picked up a 400W HPS ballst and Lamp for $30 off craigslist. The only cabinet I really have around the house is an Armoire 2'deep 3.5' wide 6' tall. My concern is the size of the cabinet for the heat of the HPS. I'm thinking about a DIY cool tube. i want to keep this stealth so I'm thinking about venting the cool tube out the back. My only problem is the intake for the cool tube. If I have it draw from outside the box it will be sucking air that's about 90 degrees or so because my grow is in an attic. I'm ducting an a/C supply to the armoire from my central a/c. So I was thinking about having the tube pull from inside the cab. Is it normal to pull the air for the cool tube from inside the box? I was thinking of attaching my carbon scrubber to the intake side of the cool tube and putting a 140 CFM can inline to pull through the scrubber keeping everything stealth. Worried about insulation for the armoire too. Any suggestions? R Value rating I should be looking for with respect to insulation. Something not too bulky. Basically i'm starting this grow with a budget of $100. so the armoire was free I've got 30 in the light so far and have yet to build the DIY can filter or DIY cool tube but costed the materials out to 70. I'll be into it right at $100 if i can get it to stay cool. Any advice on design while maintaining stealth or comments is greatly appreciated. also light leaks aren't an issue as lights will be on during the day. I work odd shifts. Only way to take care of the girls is to keep them on when I'm home. So instead of suggesting i keep the lights off during the day I need something better than that.


Well-Known Member
badass, get a good fan is all! proper intake and exhaust (intake is easy to do through the bottom if you build a little box and use some light proof tubing.) oh and paint the inside white.


So a good fan and a vented hood or a stanley blower and a diy cool tube? I'm putting this in an attic space I have. I'm going to be finishing the area (plywood decking on the joists and sheetrock for the walls. Maybe insulating it too. So with that said should I try and cool the room this will be in or cool the cab with a 4" duct from my A/C supply?


New Member
400w is hot but should be fine with a cool tube setup...sounds great. you should get good penetration w/the 400. I would only do the flowering in there if you can settup a florecent or something for the veg area. good luck



K, so you're thinking I should setup a CFL vegging area somewhere else or on the bottom. Yeah the 400W'r is gonna get pretty warm, I was thinking if I cool the room instead of the box I can keep better temps cause the inlet for the box would have a larger volume of cool air to pull from instead of creating negative pressure on the a/c duct. I've got some cali bagseed from mendocino that my sis sent me. I'm going to try that first, no idea what strain but I may have to go with a scrog or sog on this to get a yield worthy of the time invested. I usually go through about 2 O's of schwagg a month. These seeds based on the smoke report I got from my sis are going to be DANK as hell, I'm thinking maybe an O a month would suffice. I'll get some pics of the finished cabinet up in a couple days. thanks for the input guys. Do you think height will be an issue trying to keep the girls from hitting the light? Top chamber will be a little over 36" from top of pot to bottom of tube. Germing the seeds soon Cab will be online in a week.