Assuming your in coco or soil or something like. Water until you have plenty of run off on the bottom. If you started them in those 15ltr then that may be why they are slow going, you should start smaller and pot up. I use 600s, I start from clone in tiny cup size square pots, when they are really well rooted and grown a bit I pot up to 6.5 ltr. Then again a few weeks before I flower I pot up to 15ltr. Now I'm not saying that's a perfect system but if you start in large pots and the roots arnt drinking enough or root system is too small then they could easily end up rotting because they are soggy for ever. If your roots are good they should be pretty white. You could upturn a pot and carefully lift out and see just how much the roots are around the edges and bottom. If the whole thing falls apart then your probably jumping the gun a bit with those big pots. If that's the case Pot down carefully.
The reason you want to water until you have run off is to ensure that the whole pot is well watered. If you underwater the roots at the bottom can die off, they are not getting water and the corresponding part of the plant could die off with it. Not a massive problem in veg but if that happens in full flower with chunky buds your likely gona end up with bud rott because parts have died. That will spread quickly.
I hope all that made some sense!
Good luck
Edit I may have been a bit quick writing all that, I think the main point for you if they are drinking well and its going dry is make sure you have good run off. I use about 3ltr in veg, about 4ltr in flower unless they are huge!