30-10-10 fertilizer

that sounds a little high in nitrogen, but it will work. just go very easy the first few feedings and slowly work your way to full strength.
No, afraid not my friend. Use something like 6-4-4. Some people will actualy say 10-10-10 is a realy good fert. People who say this have probly never grown a patch worth smoking and if there plants could they would probly slap the grow across the face. but yea! If I was you I would go with a fox farm fertilizer. You can go to the fox farm website and find a dealer close to you. If theres none close just order it. It will come in handy. Using a good fertilizer will end up giving you alot more bud then you would get with out the correst fert. If I was you I would order from www.hidhut.com They are a great website and actualy the only website ive orderd from for gorwing supply. I always check prices from other sites before I order stuff but hidhut always has the best deals. Cant beat the customer support either and it ships the same day if you order early in the day. If you dont want to order fertilizer you can always buy fertilizer from walmart or somewhere for a good price and adjust your NPK your self. I'm not sure how but you can adjust it with afew things like baking sota. All safe and easy to find products. I have never done this but I have had friends try it with good experience. All this can get confusing and remember you can always use dirt. Its free and you dont have to have all this complex NPK stuff. Sure you will get a better harvest but dirt will work and it will giveyou bud. fertilizer is only part of what marijuana needs. So if you gata just give it some dirt in a 5 gallon bucket because if you use dirt you need to give the plant a lot of root room. If you are going to go cheap on the plant and cut the ferts you need to help in in every other way you can. Make sure to give it plenty or light, water and root space. also other things to consider like humidity and temp but just remember the basics. Its realy not as complicated as it sounds. Btw a very good cheap and helthy simple way to give you plant a lil boost you can use old food like meet or fruit for fertilizer. Just lay it on the soil and when it decays when u water it the water will wash down the nutrients from the old fruit or meet and make the soil more fertle. Indians have done this for years. Remember history? In unfertle soil the planted a seed and put a fish over it. I also make a habit of throwing my old fruits outside to fertilizer my plants. Not just weed. Meet can be stinky when it decays. I only sad meet cuz it works. Use fruit if you can.
The correct NPK for growing weed in veg is 10-10-10 and 10-30-20 for flower. I have grown some very fine smoke using that formula. There is not a lot of difference between 3-1-1 and 6-4-4. Both will work but some strains will lock out P and K if you use tooo much nitro for too long. I would start with what you have and change later on to a 10-10-10 formula. I use FF grow big 3-1-1 and mix it with BioBizzBloom 10-30-20 to make 4-4-3 which is very close to 10-10-10. They go by percentages so 10-10-10 is basically the same as 1-1-1. I never go full strenght with any nutes now that I use a ppm meter. All nutes are too strong to go full strenght. Good Luck with your grow show!
The correct NPK for growing weed in veg is 10-10-10 and 10-30-20 for flower. I have grown some very fine smoke using that formula. There is not a lot of difference between 3-1-1 and 6-4-4. Both will work but some strains will lock out P and K if you use tooo much nitro for too long. I would start with what you have and change later on to a 10-10-10 formula. I use FF grow big 3-1-1 and mix it with BioBizzBloom 10-30-20 to make 4-4-3 which is very close to 10-10-10. They go by percentages so 10-10-10 is basically the same as 1-1-1. I never go full strenght with any nutes now that I use a ppm meter. All nutes are too strong to go full strenght. Good Luck with your grow show!

Will this work in coco?