3 x AS MUCH - 1 Tent, DRYING NOW!


took me 6 hours to chop down an hang, nightmare, but cant say its not worth it, goin to hav some lovely cheese smoke very soon

In previous grow, I had 12 plants in 11L Pots, in 3 tents, 4 in each.. and got 18oz out of the whole 3 tents.. gutted!!

This time I had 16 plants in 6.5 L pots in one tent, an am lookin at it, an thinkin it looks more if not the same as what I previously got from 3 tents..

I must say, I did trim them down, so half of the plant was not there, lower half obvisouly.. ther was quite a bit of shit at the bottom which I just threw, an alot of the leaves died, but the top of the plant was perfect, and therefore getting all of the tops of the plants worked out well better for me..

Have a look at last posts if you wanna see how they looked in the tent with lower half missing..



same light as last time, 600 watt, it is one of them ones that your use for both veg an flower.. Have to hav it very high to begin with as it burnt last time, but after a week there used to it an I can get it closer.. I get cuttings for a £5 ha by mine, havent tried cloning yet..


Well-Known Member
nice harvest! is that tent a sq meter? if so that some pretty nice yield. you use dirt or hydro?


ye sq meter tent.. an ye coco soil, so spending an extra £70 on cuttings an putting them into one tent, looks like its turned out to be well better.. Also used supervit 2 drops per feed of 11L buckket into big tray that they all sit in.. what u got goin on lad?? ha


Well-Known Member
nothing right now haha. just waiting on my order. don't know if i'll start a journal though, not sure yet. going to be running some JB, WR, and BK also some freebs i got


not up wit the lingo mate, ha.. JB, WR, and BK ????? wot the fek??? ha u grow from seed then, tried it once got 1 plant out of 10 seeds, an turned out tobe male, ha..

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
I used 200cm x 200cm x 200cm tent and 1 x 400w and 1 x 600w... 6 whitewidow fully grown veg state and 18 x Feminized Supergirls from 2 weeks old to 12/12, had yield about half kilo or more... 600g ...


Well-Known Member
oh yes yes very sorry JillyBean, White Rhino (fem), Bubba Kush (fem). yes i'll be growing from seed on this one, probably take some clones and leave a mother for each.