3 wks to go - flush, or feed?

i personally pour about 2 gallons of ro water through each of my plants the night before harvest then give them about 20 hours of darkness then i chop but i feed up until then
Looks like its got some maturing to do, still loads of white hairs. The buds still got some swelling to do. leave it for another couple of weeks on the feed before giving it a flush
Do you keep feeding thru harvest or just water at some point?
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Mate that's banging,
Lots of opinions about flushing if it's organic then feeds all in soil if its chemical feed I'd flush last week with fizzy lemonade, before the question why lemonade buy the other half some flowers divide in to two pots and feed one water and one fizzy lemonade the flowers in lemonade way out last the ones in water something to do with the bubbles seems to work my mother in law been doing it for years with her house plants.
Great job.
Don't flush...this is the time period where the quality really comes in, but only if you continue to feed your plants. Flushing is a debunked but oft repeated method that gets passed around by ignorant newbies through old forum posts. The latest study on flushing supported what any decent grower already knows-it's pointless and no one could tell flushed from unflushed weed in a real world test. The test group even preferred the unflushed weed, probably due to the fact that it had another week to pack on terpenes from the nutrients it was getting.