3 Wks Flower - bag seed ghetto grow! first time


Active Member
Well as the title suggests this is my first attempt, and i am on a shoe string budget, between work and study money doesn’t go far!

Im using a 600wt HPS and white-black-white reflective sheets (can’t afford Mylar).
18/6 cycle for veg.
Currently on 12/12 flower cycle.

Seedling/Vegging: Im using MaxiMix soil, and used IONIC SOIL GROW at specific intervals with tap water, (north-west England’s finest!!).
Flower: still using tap water, but now switched to IONIC BLOOM and VINTAGE BAT GUANO.

The pictures say it all, the problem is, is that some off my plants are clearly sativa and growing close to my light so iv come up with an ingenious way off bending (LST), but one plant still looks stressed (CIRCLED).

·Please note I have 4 cuttings in there as well (12/12 all the way, as a little experiment)



Well-Known Member
I dont worry about my babies too much unless a condition worsens or never improves. I see curling and twisting some times when i forget to move my lights up (heat stress). But once i get them cooled down the leaves go back to normal rather quickly(1 or 2 days tops).


Active Member
I dont worry about my babies too much unless a condition worsens or never improves. I see curling and twisting some times when i forget to move my lights up (heat stress). But once i get them cooled down the leaves go back to normal rather quickly(1 or 2 days tops).
thanks man il keep an ey on it!

:peace: Hydro


Well-Known Member
i agree with what 420inmyapt says about moving lights! especially since they are getting tall - looks like a sativa or sativa-heavy hybrid, eh?

how come hydrodirect is growing in soil?!?! :bigjoint:


Active Member
HaHa long story, when planning my grow i intended on growin hydro, but soon after germination i realised i was BROKE!! LOL so for money reasons i switched to soil

p.s. thanks for the advice (light movers)



Well-Known Member
HaHa long story, when planning my grow i intended on growin hydro, but soon after germination i realised i was BROKE!! LOL so for money reasons i switched to soil

p.s. thanks for the advice (light movers)

just having a bit of fun busting your chops! glad you didn't take it personal. the initial investment, if buying a pre-built system, can be a bit daunting! :joint:


Well-Known Member
keep up the good work. i like soil because it seems like it is kind of old school anymore. i wouldnt mind trying hydro for the yeild and grow time. i am with you on the ghetto theme but my ass was too broke to afford the hps right now lol.


Active Member
keep up the good work. i like soil because it seems like it is kind of old school anymore. i wouldnt mind trying hydro for the yeild and grow time. i am with you on the ghetto theme but my ass was too broke to afford the hps right now lol.
ye i must admit soil is alot less maintanance and would recomend it to all first timers, and good luck with the HPS thing!!

:peace: Hydro