3 weeks old..need some help!


Active Member
o k > I'm 22 days in from seed. A few challenges here and there but for the most part they are looking healthy. I have a 2x2 grow tent with 7 "chemo"seeds. I have them in two separate pots 4 in 1 of them and 3 in the other. I realized after the fact that this was not a good idea and I will put them into their own pots with diirt and perolite( I was hoping to do this in 4 days)ish . For the first time im seeing a little discoloring(yellow) on the tips of the leaves.

How can i fix this yellowing?

With the plants there is one that is much smaller?
Is this because of the pot having more than one plant?
if yes, can it wait four days to get its own pot?

I was under the impression that i would start nutrients at about a month so they haven't had any yet....is this OK?

I saw some people use miracle grow...like from home depot...does that work good?
whats the good stuff?....does it make a huge difference?

thanks for all your help in advance


Active Member
they will need individual pots
you can wait,but its best you do it soon
your plants are starving(yellowing)
they need nutrition like all living things
miracle grow ferts are time released (no good)
if your willing to spend fox farm has good soil
you need daylight spectrum cfl's for vegg 5000k & up


I use Miracle grow potting soil it has all the necessary nutrients needed, I also use distilled water only with a 150W HPS grow light, seems to be doing well, had a run in with underwartering but resolved that issue. I went from a T5 light to 150w HPS and had it a little too close and slightly burned the top leaf that was growing out, moved it up and it's better, HPS puts off some serious heat lol


Active Member
3 weeks and they don't have their own pots yet? U gotta do that like yesterday, and like airwave said, do a quater or half strength on those nutes as well. But those girls will do better once they get their own pot. They are fighting for what little nutrients ur soil has right now. Good luck dood.


Well-Known Member
noooooooooooooo. dont do any nutes he just said hes using miracle grow with time released nutes. dude they deffinitly need their own pots. you need to loose the miracle grow and get some soil or id get coco for cheap from home depo if your on a budget just make sure to wash and buff. then get some nutes perferably from a grow store and then lower your temps well dont follow the order lol but your plants are too hot see how their curling like a taco. and do you see how the tips of your leaves are turning brown that might be nute burn (too much nutes) but it could be something else.