3 weeks old and only 1 1/2 to 2 inches tall

New Grower 420

Active Member
am i doing somthing wrong there growing outdoors and it seems like the plants i see on here that are that old are 2 times bigger but there indoor grows, so tell me is this normal growth for mine?


Well-Known Member
lol. your plants will be fine. if anything your plants will begin to stretch if they arent getting direct sunlight.

making the $$$

Active Member
Is that 3 weeks from seed or 3 weeks from germanations or 3 weeks from sprouting? Mine are about three weeks from germanation and are 5 inches wish many fan leaves already


Active Member
3 weeks?!?!?!?! JESUS that's small.. check my post, shes only 23 days from seedling. Whats wrong with her?!?!
Btw.. are u in arizona? cuz I see mesquite beans D:. She looks really healthy, but.. maybe shes in a extremely wide pot? That's why my plants so short, but I did it purposely !


Well-Known Member
It looks healthy. Usually they are bigger than that by 3 weeks, but don't get too alarmed. It should eventually take off. What are your temps outdoors? Starting seeds outdoors can sometimes lead to a slow start, that's why I like to start them indoors under a controlled environment and gradually introduce them. Don't get discouraged man.


Well-Known Member
i don't mean to be a bummer, but for 3 weeks theres something wrong with those two no doubt.

my 4 females are 28 days old, i didn't germinate them.. i just watered the seed in the ground.

my tallest one is 2 foot and at its 6th set of leaves and is alrweady developing a cola, all 4 of em are starting to flower because the foliage around them are blocking lots of sunlight during the day which is fine with me because i want some quick herb to smoke.


Well-Known Member
also im looking at those stems.. your not lieing.. those are deffinetely 3 weeks or so old.

Notice the little white bumps on the stem.. also that stem is very sturdy, at that size of a plant.. they should be on its 4th or 5th day from sprouting.
and they should have a very flimsy stem.