3 weeks old and dying please help. (Pics included)


Active Member
Something is wrong with these plants please somone who knows what I should do I am having a hard time determining if its calcium defficiency or magnesium. Using Foxfarm Ocean soil and General hydroponics Flora Nova once a week. I know its not mites but what is it,



Well-Known Member
those babies look pretty healthy to me - maybe a little nute burn on one of them. try looking at the marijuana plant problems stickie in the general section to match up pics of problems


Well-Known Member
Your doing just fine. Looks to me like when you was watering them you splashed a little nutes/water on the leaves? New growth all looks good. I would'nt worry about it keep up the good work! Perhaps that one plant is a light feeder. Try cutting the nutes for just her in half. If the problem persist please update. IMO Much Love.


Well-Known Member
i knew it. most peopl ewith these issuse never have a ph tester. stop the nutes tiil you do. a cheepo is only 7 or 8 bucks ( liquid one)
nutes will usualy lower the ph.
how much water do you give them and how often? also you are going to want to bump the phosphorus up when flowering.


Active Member
I have Flora Nova Bloom complex for that but I am watering them every 2-3 days when soil dries out for oxygen to roots. I have been nutting every other water so nutting about once a week.


Active Member
Also I havent sexxed them yet do I have to initiate flowering by going 12/12 they are on 24/0 atm but to see sex do I have to go 12/12 first to see the males/females?


Well-Known Member
ok, sounds about right. just stop your nutes till you get a tester or it will lock up.
it`s not a burn because most will start at the tips, that is all over kind of, and it`s not splashing the nute mix on the leaves, i do it all the time, my lower ones actualy lay right in it till the mix soaks in. not a problem. it causes problems that way if the light burns the mix into the leaf. thats not the case here by looking at it


Well-Known Member
get your ph thing fixed then it`s up to you. it depends on your lighting and your hight. let it recover a week to 10 days before switching


Well-Known Member
i would get on it soon then. you dont have much light power. what is the kelvin on the cfl`s. to be honest with you you`re probably better off replacing that led, sorry but they suck


Well-Known Member
have you aver used an hid, if not try it and compare the 2. there is no comparison.
what did your led set up cost?


Active Member
50 bucks for the led panel but HID vs LED comparison LED wins per KWH if you check out youtube there is a side by side test done. I am only using CFL LED for the small heat and power.


Well-Known Member
use what ever works for situation, i`m not knocking you at all. i use a 430 watt hps 52,000 lumens and at 12/12 with a 450 cfm fan at 80 watts to run it and 2 oscilating fans going 24/7 my bill is only about 40 bucks more per month.
equiptment is cheeper, bills aren`t realy that much and the yield dosn`t compare. just something to think about if you intend on going further