3 weeks into veg~



my second baby. Curious to know if I can start cloning her or should I wait more. did a bit studying but I lost my guide just need a reminder lol. Slice 45 degree angle cut the extra leaves off dip it in rooting powder/gel and since I dont have a dome yet for the clones is there any other way I can put them in soil? or does it have to be in the trays? newbie here lol
forgot to add there 8 1/4 inches tall


Active Member
i would wait till you are about to turn over to flower before you take clones

the older the plant are the more stable the cutting should be up to about 6 weeks in veg

and its always good to lol pop the plant a little ( even if its just a couple of stems and fan leaves at the base of the plants) just before flower as it help with air flow

and watering of the plants


you don't have to bye one, just cut some plastic bottle into domes shapes and you should get 4 clones in each one in small pots of soil or rock wall cubes

don't put them under hps and if you have no over light keep the light 4 ft above the clones but a t5 would be best

change the air in the domes every day and keep the soil/rock wall damp for the first 4 days and them dry them out a little more to encourage the roots to look for water
but check them every 12hours and you should see roots in 7-10 days and then it time to re pot