3 weeks into flowering with pics.


Active Member
this is my first grow and i am posting this to get some criticism/advice. i started flowering these girls about 3 weeks ago and was wondering how they are looking and what i need to change. The only thing I feed them currently is a little bit of molasses mixed into their water, and only once or twice a week. I have a bunch of bontanicare nutes now, but as far as I can tell they do not look like they need them, but i could be wrong. Please give me any advice, I want these girls to turn out nice :)


Well-Known Member
Some wicked looking sativas there. I'd start some bloom nutes now. It will help speed up the long wait you're going to have with those, and also help to fatten them up and add density. They do look nice and healthy for the most part. If you have the patience to really ride it out till those finish properly, and don't run into any major problems, looks like you're going to have a potentially very nice harvest. It's just going to take a long time with those.


Well-Known Member
Very cool.

I am a sativa fan as well. :) They take more work and time to grow to maturity, but well worth it IMO. The good thing about growing indoors for sativas is that most of them don't smell much compared to the indicas. I have some ladies (crystal, elephant), that are into week 3 of flowering and there is no odor whatsoever from their presence. That may change, but when I grew indica dominant strains, it took a lot of work and time to hold down the odor.

Once I saw those skinny lanky leaves, I knew I was in sativa territory!


Active Member
Some wicked looking sativas there. I'd start some bloom nutes now. It will help speed up the long wait you're going to have with those, and also help to fatten them up and add density. They do look nice and healthy for the most part. If you have the patience to really ride it out till those finish properly, and don't run into any major problems, looks like you're going to have a potentially very nice harvest. It's just going to take a long time with those.
thank you for commenting. i do have patience and have been advised by others that these girls are going to "take a LOT of time". however, this is my first grow and i want it to be as successful as possible. I will take your advice and start adding some botanicare bloom into their water feedings. question, should i go all out with the nutes or cut them back at first? i pretty much have the whole botanicare line in my closet now, as my next grow is going to be pure aero/nft - no more soil, the flies ruined my tastes for that indoors...


Active Member
Very cool.

I am a sativa fan as well. :) They take more work and time to grow to maturity, but well worth it IMO. The good thing about growing indoors for sativas is that most of them don't smell much compared to the indicas. I have some ladies (crystal, elephant), that are into week 3 of flowering and there is no odor whatsoever from their presence. That may change, but when I grew indica dominant strains, it took a lot of work and time to hold down the odor.

Once I saw those skinny lanky leaves, I knew I was in sativa territory!
thank you for the info. I do not worry about the smell, my closest neighbor is almost 1/2 mile away. i am thinking of a small outdoor grow this season as well, but up until now I used all the seeds i had on those plants. after some constructive criticism i received I may take cuttings from the bottom branches of the 2 BIG girls to use as clones. From what i have gathered on a couple forums with these pics apparently these girls have good genetics? who would have thought a first time grower with pretty much NO knowledge of this stuff from the start could luck on on his (my) first grow from random bag seed? a big thank you to everyone who viewed this, and even bigger thanks to those who replied and helped me out. thank you very much.


Spectacular! For your nute question...if you haven't been feeding them, then go ahead and cut it short or you might burn them. I know on my bottle of nutes there are reccommended dosages for whatever cycle of flowering it's on...like early flower, aggressive flower, or mature flower. I am a fan of the sativa buzz, but not when I only have 6.5 feet of vertical space. Looking outstanding though man. Great job.