3 weeks into flowering widows and im getting yellow leaves mid way


Well-Known Member
up the plant. i have two of them and only one is really doing this. i just watered them w/ foxfarm bloom. i havent used nutes in the last three waterings. they are in soil and hand watered w distilled water evry 3 days on ave. i check their moisture w a meter and wait til they are bone dry before watering. i let the water flow out the drain holes. any ideas why they are yellowing so much???

Thank you for the help


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
check this site out. I see more than yellowing going on. You can't rely on nutes in the soil, the plant will use them quicker than you think. It happened to me, I thought I was over feeding them because I had fox farm soil mixed with mir-grow and was told the soil should support them for several weeks but in just 2 weeks they started to yellow...


Well-Known Member
im not too worried about the dropping, they should come back up. well arent you only suppose to nute every 2 or 3 waterings??


Well-Known Member
naw that cant be true... if anything underwatering. they get watered around every 3 days. i wait for the soil to be just about dry or all the way dry and then water them until the water runs out the drain holes.


Well-Known Member
dude,..i nute every watering, every day! No drooping, yellowing or burning. They love it. I keep upping the doses and they never resist.


Active Member
Do you have a moisture meter? And how far deep into the soil do you feel / place the meter when you test the moisture.


Well-Known Member
looks like a zinc issue to me. Check out the grow faqs to fix it. There are pictures of plant problems there. You will find your issue and how to remedy it.


Well-Known Member
noy quite sure exactly how old they are, because i bought clones from a club. they were a week away from flowering when i go them and now im on week three of flowering. i do have a moisture meter and i put it down until it touches the gravel and then pull up ever so slightly so i can make sure its dry down there beofre watering.


Well-Known Member
they look dry... feed once a week. i water every 2-3 days, I usually water monday and wednesday and feed saturday....this always changes because these bitches are unpredictable.


Well-Known Member
last transplant was probablly 5 weeks ago. i was going to transplant them any furthur. i usually water 2 - 3 days. but i like your schedule, makes it easy. do you water until it runs out the drain holes? or just use a moisture meter to see how wet it is down there.


Well-Known Member
ya,,,,i water with one bottle, wait like 5-6 mins...let it drain and then go back with another one...i go by the weight of the container....im at the end of flowering, i go by the looks of the leaves (droppyness) and the weight of container...also the finger method.


Well-Known Member
what size bottle ??? so you diffently put a good amount of water in your plants. i agree w the droppyness... that seems like its the way to know she needs water.


Well-Known Member
i have 20oz bottles....i started with 1 when it was smaller and just increased.....every once in a while i would use a little more when they were soaking up more moisture than before during my flowering