3 Weeks into Flowering and Just Found Seeds on a Plant. How Do I Locate the Father


Active Member
so i just found some seeds on 1 of my plants.. its on a plant.. kinda looks like it may have self polinated because i havent found many on any other plants. just on 1 plant.. i dont know if the plant that has the seeds is the plant that hermid? or not.. the male pollen could of came from anywere but it looks like the way it was pollinated that theres a male nutsack in there just pollinating shit and i need to get it otu asap.. should i just kut down the plant.. that has seeds in it.. or can it still produce seeds not in flower.. i would like to seperate it and just toss it outside somewere and let it go. but if it reverts back to veg.. will the seeds still grow.

another thing.. is there any like ways to find a hermi a easy way to look or a good place to look .. for some reason.. im kinda happy ill get some seeds i just dont want my entire grow.. to turn into a seeded fuckfest.. would piss me off ill tell u that


Active Member
in simple terms look were the V shape of the main stem and the branch (around the nodes) if they are showing pre flowers liuttle hair pistols....and if yours now has a nut sack (daddylol) its a hermie ...... a pic would help are you sure its a seed?


Well-Known Member
You're not gonna want to keep the seeds either, because hermie pollen, makes for seeds that are prone to going hermie on ya again.


Active Member
it was a female that self polinated actually.. still got rid of it.. and the seeds on that plant.. but im going to keep any seeds that i find in the rest of the grow and just use them for an outdoor grow one year


Active Member
in order to have seeds in three weeks u ve should be having male pollen sacks till day no1

u should do what u should have done 1st hand , check out closely , get a mag lens and examine the plant bud by bud , 1st look the spots just over the seeds pods ( u sure those are seeds aye ? ) i do get "wtf omg ffs" sometimes with big callyxes shown on early stages over some species