3 weeks into flower. I have light questions


I have 4 23 watt 2700k bulbs over each plant approx 2-4 inches away. Question: Is this enough light to produce decent size buds because i turned the lights to 12/12 on march 2nd and the buds look realy small to me. There are 6 plants with 100 watts over each and 350 watt for top side light for a total of 36 bulbs and 950 cfl watts. Right now they are only the size of a nickel which don't seem right for the wattage. Sorry about the crap pictures but for now their the best i have. Any suggestion appreciated.



you should realy jump up to a hps system, but you can still get a decent grow from cfl,s i see a lot o yellowing leaves, that's a little to early, looks like you should kick up the nutes. and pick off the dead leaves.


Thanks for the reply, I have started using O.G. Seabird Guano Liquid Bloom 2-5-0 from Vital Earth's. I was going to just let the leaves dry and fall off on their own because they are still alive (Barely) but if it's better to cut them off I will. But is it normal to have buds that small this late? I will be buying a 600 watt HPS today and hopefully they will get bigger


Well-Known Member
You're fine, give them time and they will swell up...looks normal for 20 days into flower...Per plant I have top lighting of 2 x 23w 2700k, 1 x 42w 2700k, and 1 x 26w 6500k, and for side lighting 2 x 23w 2700k, and 1 x 26w 6500k...here they are at 7 weeks...about 2 fingers wide


I'm sorry for threadjacking, but you shouldn't worry, give your girls time to do their thing, show them lots of love, and they will not disappoint you. Though the difference between CFL's and HPS is like night and day, not all of us have proper facilities to manage the heat of HID lighting.