3 weeks in veg plant problem


Well-Known Member
WP_000238.jpgDon't know what's going on with my ladies they where started from clones they are in 5 gallon pots they are in fox farm ocean forest soil my ph is 6.5-6.8 I haven't feed any nutrients yet I was thinking that's the problem not fa sure it's ah sativa/afghan hybrid s.a.g.e. temps are 83-84 degrees humidity % 40 plants look perfectly healthy can someone help me out


Well-Known Member
Only 2 of them really I use regular water I let it sit for days sometimes weeks so chemicals evaporate


I found that much of the public water is loaded particles that are unwanted and unnecessary for a plant. The city water out of my tap is about 690ppm. That's REALLY high. Even letting water sit out does only one thing...evaporate chlorine. Any other impurities/particles stay inside the water.

As far as the soil goes, FFOF is about the best out there. I have put other store baught soils against FFOF and have seen no comparison. Roots is close, but typicall comes with knats. :(

How long have you just been using water only?


RO water is sooo much better. Consider switching and adding cal/mag with micros for your watering only days. Changes the looks of plants drastically.

Typically I'd say that FFOF just needs watering only for 3-4 wks. However, your plants look pretty big.

Before I give you my opinion, let me ask a couple of other q's.

Any trace of pests (ie. thrips, whiteflys, knats)?

How often are you watering them?

Are you letting the soil dry before watering again?


Massah..nice chart by the way! Agreed with the Mag def. I'd consider giving those size plants an all around good dose of NPK on top of the micros. The plants do look nice.


Well-Known Member
cal mag deficiency. your probably running on tap water, go RO, in the meantime give it some cal mag


Well-Known Member
I water like once a week . I'll look into to the ro water , i use technafloras recipe for success and should I start giving it veg nutes or just the magical and how much. never grew this strain before sativa but crossed with an afghani Indica. I usually keep it straight indica and they are pretty heavy feeders


Well-Known Member
i never used recipes for success... but your N-P-K ratio should be leaning towards 2-1-1 ratio when vegging


Well-Known Member
If you going with ff give'em a full dose of Big Grow 2tsp and 2tbs of Big Bloom.
3 weeks just water it's time to feed'em!


Not familiar with the BC line, but combined they look like a they could be a veg formula. Do they have any micro elements? Remember you're deficient in Mag, so you want to pump them with that as well. Buy some Cal/Mag suppliment if you don't have it.