3 weeks flower today, 3 girls pics! Northern lights


Well-Known Member
Three northern lights. I vegged 12 but only three were female. The funny part was that 3 out of the original 12 were damged do to screwups and 2 of these are those survivors. lol.

One is lstd to the max. I am proud! The other 2 are topped. Some creative growing they developed rofl. The pics are of the cola lstd so its just it's cool upper most budding.

400 watt mh/hps
6 in inline 430 cfm
6 inch charcoal filter
4 in fan filter combo to scrub
twin 8 in room fan blowing on girls
also intake vent attached with 4 in pipe to room fan
intake at sliding door
4x4x6.5 tent next to perm open sliding door
tents around 70 or slightly lower last month keep it flower at night
light 4 in from buds! or less, little light bleaching but no heat dam
marijauna nl seed companu
GH 3 part with flora micro hardwater and hydroguard and kool bloom.

I read the first mistake people make is not enough ventilation so I am determined not to let that happen here. :) I leave it open at night with fresh air.

Northern lights stink! Thats why 2 filters.

The labeled pic is my best girl. Did that pic with picassa.

Kool bloom was added to the reservoir 3 nights ago and yeah I do notice a diference. At least the girls are a bit thicker and I can sugar now and more hairs.

Real excited. I botched 30 clones in my first attempt at rw cloning. Rreverted to emergency dwc cloning with a clone cut in flower I dont want to lose this strain. Pretty girls. Might reveg to get more clones.

I got widow cindy seeds and a fem cheese seed growing badly if not.

Vegged 6 weeks.



Well-Known Member
Yeah i tried to time my camera for 2000 0 days so i could use the counter as my grow chart. Relax it is programable not hooked up to zurich rofl

i got started wrong. Today is day 21


Well-Known Member
21 of flower right?

i replied before i looked at who you were. i just figured you were a low-posting, pic-stealing, cool guy. sry, i was gonna try not smoking today and im already being an asshole.:joint::joint: check my journal, my NL is about 2 wks ahead of yours. ill have frish pics up in 45 min after lights on.

whose do you have? i have nirvanas form 5 yrs ago.


Well-Known Member
no worries man. nah just looked in the tent and was happy with the girls. I germed 10 and I only got 3 girls. :(

I got marijauna n.l.s. Northern lights and 5 free mazar afghan. The mazer were all boys. Sucks cause i fucked up my first attempt at rw cloning and like an idiot i thought it would be cake. I reverted to emergency dec cloning whivh worked for me in the past. Hope to clone a flower girl and revert her. Probably reveg i dont want to lose this.

I got a fem cheedse seed going and some widow cindy seeds ready. I running medical for 12 immature and 6 mature.

I'll check your journal.


Well-Known Member
I have big bud and bloomblastic coming. I got note not to use those 2 together. I gotta check if I can add anymore to kool bloom anyway. Heard about hermies with kool bloom if you ass to much.

bloomblastic is 0-20-21!!! Got enymes too. Next res change in week or two will have it.

Plant to gravity also.